New Chapter for Buried Secret
Buried Secret
phoenix14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )
This was written for the Potter Place Fall Prompt #17. Hermione finds herself pregnant... and has no idea who the father is. She's been in a monogamous relationship with Ron, but he's been off playing Quidditch for longer than she's been pregnant. Who is the father, and how did it happen? (Rape isn't a creative option.)
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for Buried Secret
i do love a Viktor/Hermione pairing. Ron is a ditz and shouldnt be in the same room with her!!
Totally what I wanted. Thanks! Great! Can't say enough. You rock!
Lovely story. :)
Good choice for the baby's father. I like HG/VK. And I'm glad about the choice Hermione made. I also like Harry behaviour.
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
Thanks. That was the hardest part for me to come up with, actually. I have to thank my beta for pointing him out as a candidate to me. I just don't see her with Ron, and this was a good chance to rectify that. And I think the choice was a bit unexpected. I think most folks would automatically think Snape because that's such a popular pairing. And I do like to think that Harry would finally grow up, as many times as I have him acting childishly, I thought it would be good to give him a reprieve. :D
Finally a really sweet little romance for Viktor and Hermione!
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
Thanks. I really liked this unique way of getting them together. These little challenges can really stretch your imagination and I liked this difficult little exercise. I do think she is well suited to Viktor and would like to see more of them in the last book. I just don't see her and Ron.
awww I am glad she didnt go through with the marriage to Ron! Happy endings are a good thing.
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
Yup, I'm glad it wasn't Ron, too. LOL This one was a lot of fun as it's a different method of storytelling that I normally use. I do like to do flashbacks from time to time, but this one was more involved than the others. Of course, that was really the only way to fulfill the challenge. :)
That was really sweet. I have always loved this pairing, and am so glad that they had a happy ending.
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
Thanks. I have a different little Viktor/Hermion fic in mind, but I just haven't gotten around to putting it all together. I had thought this might spur it on, but nothing so far. Too many other projects I think. LOL And I am glad I was able to work this one for a happy ending, they deserve it.
Finally a Hermione romance that I like! I loathe the SS/HG pairing, but I like this pairing. I enjoyed reading it, as I always do with your stories. In some ways it reminded me of 2 old movies, one with Bette Davis and one with Olivia de'Havilland, but with a better outcome than either of those movies.I really wouldn't mind seeing more of these two together.
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
Thanks. I really did like the way this worked out, especially since I wasn't sure who the daddy was going to be when I started it. LOL Thank goodness for a beta with a good idea. I never would have thought of this twist. I do have at least one more HG/VK fic in mind, I just need to find time to write it. :D
I really like how you answered this prompt--and though I'm usually an SSGH shipper, I liked Viktor and Hermione together very much.
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
Thank you very much. This was a really fun prompt to do. :D I pretty much ship anyone with Hermione other than Ron. LOL
A very sweer story.
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
Thank you very much. Sometimes an idea just runs away from me and I was very happy with this outcome. :)
Good fic. I was worried this would be a RWHG fic, but you were smart enough not to end it with that crappy pairing.
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
Thanks. The Ron/Hermione pairing stumps me every time I think about it. The only thing I can come up with is that JKR had a crush on a redhead in school. I wanted her with someone she could respect and Viktor fit that description.
Good story. It's so sweet. I love Viktor and Hermione. You should write more about them!!!
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
Thanks. I do have a Viktor/Hermione story that is sitting on my computer with very little done to it. Someday, I do hope to actually write that one out. He's one of the few characters I could see her with, mostly because we don't know too much about him and can fill in the holes to make him someone she would respect.
Awww, that's so good. I'm glad you took this one up. I saw it and thought it would be a tough one to do. I like this ship as well as my normal one. I'm glad she didn't stay with Ronniekins. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Buried Secret)
I liked the premise of this one, but was at a loss as to who should be the daddy. I was going to go the usual Snape or Lucius route, but my lovely beta reminded me about Viktor and I knew I had to do it. I never did get Hermione/Ron. Makes me wonder if JKR had a crush on a redhead back in school. I'm glad you liked it. I had a great deal of fun with it. :D
Well, I’m not the biggest Hermione/Victor fan, but I really liked this story. Very unique idea! Keep up the good writing!~Jen
I like the premise of the memory block bit. I'm just not a Viktor fan. LOL. Nice story.