New Chapter for The Professors' New Clothes
The Professors' New Clothes
Angharad6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore each have a stylish new set of robes. Could it be that they are each trying to attract the attention of someone special?
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About Angharad
Member Since 2005 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 12 | 0 Reviews Written | 11 Review Responses
Reviews for The Professors' New Clothes
“I like them very much,” she reached out to touch his arm. “May I?”
“That’s why I had them made,” he answered with a warm smile. Minerva looked up sharply, not quite believing what she’d heard. “Well,” he explained, “you did say that you adored the feel of silk next to your skin.”
“You’re teasing me,” she stated, hoping that he wasn’t.
I love that.... love that.
Minerva had read enough Witch Weekly serials in her life to have encountered the phrase “bone melting kiss” more than a few times, and she had always dismissed it as the author’s wishful thinking combined with a penchant for purple prose. Now, however, she was forced to revise her opinion regarding the accuracy of the description. By the time the kiss ended, she had also decided that purple wasn’t such a bad color for prose, especially if it was at the dusky lavender end of the spectrum.
“I’ve wanted to do that for nearly fourteen years,” Albus confessed as they came up for air.
“So have I,” breathed Minerva, as she pulled him down for another kiss. This time she found the phrases “being kissed senseless” and “going weak at the knees” to be highly accurate as well.
“I must say Minerva,” Albus murmured as he nuzzled his way down her neck, “You’ve quite convinced me of the virtues of silk next to the skin.” He began to nip at a delightfully sensitive spot above her collarbone. “Would you think me terribly decadent if I told you that I bought silk sheets as well?”
“No,” she replied with a throaty chuckle, “I would merely ask if they were crimson or gold.”
“Neither,” he responded with a chuckle of his own. “I thought you’d look particularly fetching in green tartan.”
He was right, of course.
Oohhh,,,,, yummmm, so much yum!
*snip*An hour later Minerva emerged from the shop, having been measured, fussed over, and flattered within an inch of her life.*grins* I just love that! I'll no doubt, post more - enjoying this a great deal!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*snip*Minerva had loved Albus in silence for at least thirteen years. She had always been a direct sort of person, and had he been any other man, she would have simply told him how she felt. However, Albus Dumbledore was not any other man. He was a kind, gentle, funny, eccentric, and extremely attractive man - and a living legend. She had come close to telling him many times, but at the last moment the realization of just who he was would hit her, and she would retreat into silence once more. This past year, though, their relationship had changed. The Chamber of Secrets being opened again, students petrified, and Lucius Malfoy’s plotting had brought them closer together than ever before. For the first time, she could see how much Albus needed her, and how much of a team the two of them had become. She also realized that her feelings had grown to the point that it was going to be difficult, if not impossible, to hide them without doing permanent damage to her face - and her heart.Brilliant way of describing her emotions and with good reason for such a direct person to keep it quiet - very believable and endearing.
*snerk* cat toy!I love it. These two can so totally get it on!
I printed this out and read it this morning-very sweet! I really enjoyed it!
Response from Angharad (Author of The Professors' New Clothes)
Thank you very much! :)
You do wonderful work. Tamara