Part One
Chapter 1 of 2
lady_rhianSeverus and Hermione learn to resolve their marital issues...creatively. A two-part drabble series written for the grangersnape100.
ReviewedDisclaimer: It's not mine and never will be. :)
A/N: This drabble series was inspired by the "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar" challenge. My thanks to the lovely ladies at the gs100 for their support.
“Hush little baby, don’t say a word, momma’s gonna buy you a mocking bird…” Hermione sang softly, cradling the infant in her arms. Her ten-month-old daughter gurgled softly, her head becoming heavy on her mother’s shoulder. Hermione continued to rock the baby until she was sleeping soundly.
She laid her down in the crib gently, pulling a crimson covered blanket over her. Hermione put her hands on the railing and stared at her sleeping daughter. Her black hair, inherited from her father, was sleek and seemingly immune to summer’s humidity. Hermione put a freezing charm on the room to preserve the temperature, and walked out of the nursery down the hall.
A light glow was emanating from her intended destination. She paused in the doorway of the emerald green room, smoothing her dressing gown. Still soft, she thought, running a hand across her stomach. She’d known that her firm figure would never be the same after childbirth, and, two children later, she was feeling the effects.
She looked up and gazed in the room, watching her husband and young son. Severus’ back was turned as he sat next to his son’s bed, reading him a story. Lucas’ eyes were drooping, his brown wavy locks grazing his eyebrow. He was almost out. Hermione turned and walked back down the hallway.
She was sitting on a lounge chair in the sitting room when Severus walked in. She and her husband took turns putting each child to bed every night.
“Tomorrow, you get Lucas. He wanted three stories,” Severus said, sitting next to his wife, picking up a book.
“All you have to do is say no, you know,” Hermione said softly, perusing the pages of her own leather-bound novel.
Severus didn’t respond. Hermione knew that he was devoted to their children and spoiled them with love and affection. His own father had not been so benevolent with him.
She sighed and returned to her book.
A few moments later, Severus looked up.
“How was Amelia?”
“Perfect,” Hermione said simply. “Went down like an angel.”
Severus grunted.
Hermione paused. “Do you want to talk about what happened?”
“No,” he said curtly, not looking up.
Hermione sighed and returned to her book.
“Why do you want to discuss it?” he asked, sneering. “You are obviously uninterested.”
“Severus.” Hermione stared at him, exasperated. “When have I ever been uninterested?”
“Last night you were.”
“Last night it took me two hours to get Amelia to stop crying!”
“This isn’t about your exhaustion; it’s about the manner in which you refused me!”
And with that, he got up and stalked out.
Tears sprung to Hermione’s eyes. They’d been married for five years, had two children – and she still had to walk on eggshells around him.
She knew that he had feared rejection, had been terrified it, and immediately shut off those who chose to treat him with disdain.
Like she had last night.
I’m a stupid woman, she thought, shifting uncomfortably in her chair. Why did I have to treat him like that?
Damn it to hell.
She couldn’t read, not when they were fighting like this.
She rose from her chair and followed her husband’s scent into their bedroom.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Fighting with Honey
8 Reviews | 4.63/10 Average
awww... sweet, touching, and nice ending. :)
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Fighting with Honey)
Thank you!
Nicely done. Leaves a lot of questions too, doesn't it? I will say I don't have children (and really am too old to start now!) but I do know how much energy they take. Sev's being a little childish - she shouldn't have to apologise for one refusal - but that is part of his make up. Again, well done.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Fighting with Honey)
As one of two kids, I know how stressful we kids can be! This isn't one of my happiest pieces or my wittiest, but I wanted to explore the - shall we say - unpleasant side to their relationship. Thanks for reviewing, hon. :)
I see now why he was so bothered, makes sense. Thanks for updating. I'm sure he will keep a jar of honey close by from now on.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Fighting with Honey)
I'm so glad you liked it. I imagine Severus will keep the honey close by, and use it often. ;) Thanks for reading and reviewing, as always!
Oh, a difficult scenario. Snape would be put off by perceived rejection - but two small children does make life difficult. An interesting beginning to the drabble series.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Fighting with Honey)
As one of two children, I know that life can be hard with kids! My mother says she can't wait for the day that I have children - that I'll get my "Just comeupance" for my bad behavior! Thank you for reading. :)
Wow, I wonder what she said to him to make him feel like that.I hope you update soon.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Fighting with Honey)
The rest will be up today. Thank you for reviewing!
Severus you have to pick a better time to seduce your wife then after the day she had! I think the honey trick will work again in the future!!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Fighting with Honey)
*sighs* Yes, he has much to learn, but I think the trick will work again as well. :)
Lovely, and hope that both Severus and Hermione (Sev esp.) would be more considerate the next time.Thank you.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Fighting with Honey)
Thanks! You're currently traipsing through a lot of my older work, and I'm glad you're enjoying it.