New Chapter for Never The Same
Never The Same
HogwartsHoney6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Remus Lupin remembers a night that changed his relationship with Sirius forever.
A companion piece to ?Ever The Same? but should be read first. Both fics were inspired by the lyrics to Rob Thomas? song, ?Ever The Same?.
Chapters (1)
About HogwartsHoney
Member Since 2006 | 23 Stories | Favorited by 37 | 147 Reviews Written | 358 Review Responses
45 years old and hopelessly intrigued by the Potterverse and all that it contains. Really, I'm too old for this sh*t, but... here I am.
Reviews for Never The Same
hi, this sequel was sadder and darker, but i liked it. how about a third story, where both of them are happy? pls?
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Never The Same)
*grins*I have another Sirius/Remus fic that is in the queue right now. It's much happier, I promise ;O)Thanks,~H
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Never The Same)
*grins*I have another Sirius/Remus fic that is in the queue right now. It's much happier, I promise ;O)Thanks,~H
Okay... now I;m crying for the second time. I enjoyed reading this from both POV's. You did an excellent job fleshing out both characters motivations and reactions. Yes, Sirius could be that annoying and dense... and poor Remus. You just wanna cuddle him!Loved this!!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Never The Same)
Aww... two in one day! Poor you! LOL I actually adore canon!Sirius because he *is* so annoying and self absorbed and flawed and brave and stupid! I'm really happy that their characters worked in this story, I mean, I knew what I wanted to say, but wasn't quite sure that it translated into the typed word, y'know? Thanks, and s'more hugs! HH
yep, haunting is a good word. Well done, dear.Oh, btw, i saw someone's name on the Multi's??? Someone may have even got a vote????? LOL
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Never The Same)
Thanks, Char!! I thought of you today (15th July) and lo and behold - you left me a review! You're the sweetest, and I may even squee for any votes I get!! :O)
Haunting. Touching. So well-done!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Never The Same)
Thanks, hon. I wanted to show both sides of one situation and I'm happy that it works!
...blee... (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
You're no burden, I assure... (DOUBLE blee!!!!!!!!!!)
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Never The Same)
Agreed, poppet. Thenk yew for your review!
I love this line: " Sirius, the Dog Star, burning bright in Remus' universe and the only person who could truly make him happy." this is a very poigniant, sad story. i love the way you showed remus' thoughts, poor guy. great job!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Never The Same)
Thanks for your review !! I squeed when the muse whispered that particular line to me, and since the books don't/probably won't get into Remus' reasons for being who he is, I thought that I'd try it. Happy you enjoyed!