New Chapter for Wizards and Champions
Wizards and Champions
HogwartsHoney68 Reviews | 68 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )
Chapters (21)
About HogwartsHoney
Member Since 2006 | 23 Stories | Favorited by 37 | 147 Reviews Written | 358 Review Responses
45 years old and hopelessly intrigued by the Potterverse and all that it contains. Really, I'm too old for this sh*t, but... here I am.
Reviews for Wizards and Champions
Wonderful beginning. I can't wait to see where you take them.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Thanks! I hope you enjoy their journey.~HH
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Thanks! I hope you enjoy their journey.~HH
Cedric's role in the books was always a tear-jerker, but developing a story like this makes it even more intense. Good plot idea, and well written!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Thanks, and I'm happy you actually read the last chapter. I always wondered what Cedric might have been like if JKR had expanded his character even a little bit, so that the readers would have an even greater sense of loss.
Just so you know, I cried like an ass every time I wrote a piece of the last chapter, every time I edited it, and every time I posted it at an archive. ~H
Yes! That was satisfying! I don't want to read the next chapter but I will anyway...
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Oh my god, I am already devastated for poor Cedric....nothing like knowing that the worst horrors imaginable are approaching....I'm hoping that Cedric and Harry at least get a special moment before going into the maze- that they at least kiss.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
The muse was particularly horrible in these chapters, and although I kept screaming "Kiss" "sex" "more" she was adamant.
Bossy thing, the muse.Thanks for reading! ~H
Seems to have potential for a great story-I look forward to reading more =)
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Thanks! I hope you enjoy it. ~H
Cedric's going to die in the next chapter, isn't he?
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
La la la la lalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........
Thanks for the review!
Uh oh Cedders, you need to watch out! Something wicked this way comes!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Oh yes, it does! Thanks for reading, and Chapter 19 is almost ready for the betas.
Eau PIDGELING!The boys... I love them so.. .can't we just keep them? Can't we????We are so Mary-Sue'd... I'm breathless with anticipation for your further chapters.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
LOL Mary-Sue'd and proud!
Thank yew, Midgeling!
wow.... he's figured out old dumbledore already! i hope you don't really kill him! i like cedders!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Dumbledore might have let himself slip a little too much, and everybody underestimates the Hufflepuffs! I love my Cedders too ;o) Thanks, HH
Another wonderful chapter! I loved their interaction when they were flying, and I'm getting a little weepy now because I know it will all end soon!Do you think you might change this into an AU fic where Cedric lives? I can bribe you! *begs*
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Thanks! I loved the flying scene myself - I felt that it was a real bonding time for them.
*grins* One can never tell where the muse will take me and I'm always open to bribes! Chocolate-covered Harry *cough*Equus*cough*, or Cedric, or Severus, come to think of it. Yes, those are all good bribes
just read the whole thing! it's awesome! poor jealou cedders....
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Woah, the whole thing? Hope you don't have a headache! Thanks for that and I hope you enjoy the rest of it!
"the Boy Who Mattered Most." - RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRhhhrrrr!!!
"Merlin, he's a living, breathing wet dream!" - Merlin! He IS!
"...he felt the thrum as their magic met, clashed and, finally, harmonised." - SUCH a beautiful image, mouffling!
Heh! Harry's such a lil bad-ass!
"Your cousins Anne-Marie and Joan..." - *WETS self!!!!*
*laughter... laughter and more laughter!*
I think this is my favourite chapter, peaupette... I'm not shore of course... but it just FEELS thet way!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
LOL. It's been SEAU long in the making, Midgen, eye kneau! and yes, here we have young Harry, all het up by that beautiful Hufflepuff and not being able to *do* anything about it because Cedric's getting all 'ethical' on his ass! I mean, REALLY!!! ;O)
I must say that this story is coming along nicely. I cant wait to read more about it! Love the way you stuck to the original story but add your on twists. Please up date soon!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Thanks for your review! I enjoyed the plot of The Goblet of Fire because I found that it was so involved, with so many new and different characters! Am working on the storyline and hope to have the next chapter up soon! HH
Yes! *pumps fist in air* You have no idea how eager I've been for the new chapter! And it's finally here! Yay! It was well worth the wait. The battle scene in the forest was so well written that I felt as if I was actually there.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Wow! What a review! Thanks for that, and I'm thrilled that the battle scene works! I caught my a** trying to get it to 'sound' like how it looked in my mind! HH
I just had an epiphany ... and it made me so sad. I realized (while I was hanging up clothing in my closet, of all places!) that Cedric was a 'real' person, which is what you've been getting at in this story all along. Cedric was real and he had friends who loved him and he had a life ... and he died. And it just struck me and made me really sad.
The "battle" scene was beautifully written. I loved it. So captivating; you've really done your research well (the jinxes, hexes, etc.) and made everything very believable. Well done. :)
So ... Wow, this story is really marvelous. Thank you for writing it! :)
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Scary thing - I just realized that you're right about Cedric being a 'real' person! I always wondered what he was like, who his friends were and whether Rowling put much thought into his life.
I had the battle scene vividly in my mind, yet somehow it was particularly hard to write/coordinate! All snaps go to my fantabulous beta, JaneAverage! She made my mish-mash of jinxes,hexes,wrong incantations into something that really rocked!
Thanks for your review, I'm so happy that you enjoy the story and appreciate your taking the time to review!
I have been waiting SO LONG for an update! When I saw it in the Newly Submitted list, I literally jumped up and down and squealed!I cannot tell you how much I ADORE this story! I hope the next chapter is just as satisfying as this one!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
LOL. wow, I'm gratified to know that you're getting such a kick out of my ficlet.I'm working out some details with my beta on Chapter 12 and I hope to have it in her capable hands by the end of next week. Fingers & toes crossed, and thanks for reading! HH
I LOVE your Patronus class! I can just see the rest of the class saying "CUDDERS MUNT, boy!"
Poor Diggs, having to be with the couples when all he wants is Harry... *sighs wistfully*
VERY clever that you put in the trip up the mountain with Snuffles, the exchange between him and the twins/Lee.
*DIES* - "Oh, do that again."
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
LOL. Cudders munt indeed, poppet!
You remember our days of 'do that again' don'tcha!? I agree that I've been unfair to our Cedders in Puddifoot's with all the couples... *bad muse* I caught my *arse* with that whole Snuffles/Ced waiting timeline thing... am happy that it's come off okay! Hugs, HH
The Patronus Charm was very effective, wasn't it? Marvelously written! Just what exactly is an African Oryx? Is it a buffalo or gazelle-like creature? I am too lazy to look it up on the internet and I can't quite recall what it is right now...
Oh, yes! I loved this line, "She had still been friendly, but she was distant, and he could see the hurt in her eyes; could feel her loss without even trying to sense it."
It reminds me of another story I read (can't remember what it was) in which the author had written, "No girl wants to be the one who turned her boyfriend gay." Hee! That's what I thought of when I read the above.
This is very well-written and I look forward to an update. I hope your move went well. And there's just one little bit of con. crit.
*Ahem!* You use a lot of "alrights" and I remarked on that in an earlier chapter. However, I see them here, too, hee! So... if you wanted to change them to 'all right', that's fine. If not, that's great, too, because a lot of writers use 'alright,' although--grammatically--it isn't quite correct.
Again, looking forward to reading more. Cheers!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
African Oryx . I think they're beautiful creatures, even though this particular photo isn't the most graceful one I've ever seen.
Well, Cho's not a Ravenclaw for nothing! She's a smart cookie! :P
Great job on the Second Task. Harry showed up right on cue ... after all the others! I suppose he'd just been woken up by Dobby and given the Gillyweed.
Lovely job and I knew that Jamie would understand ... he's the understanding type.
Reading on!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Yep, that Cho sharp all right! I try to weave my story in and out of canon. I hope it makes it more plausible that way instead of being waaaaaaaay out, y'know? Jamie is my prince!!! I love that boy!! He IS the understanding type and very mellow, but , like all my Hufflepuffs, he's more than he seems.... ! *cough*
Response from Celestial Melody (Reviewer)
Ooh, really? I can't wait to find out about this unseen side of Jamie. :)
Wow. That was an intense chapter and I was shocked that Harry was in the bathroom with Cedric! I had to reread it to make sure that I'd read it correctly the first time.
This story is getting very complicated. The triangle is going to have a bit of an upset when Cho finds out. Reading on...
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Poor boy - he certainly didn't expect to walk in on THAT kind of thing!! LOL HH
Ooooh, very nice. The conversation between Cedric and Harry was mesmerizing and I can't wait to read more, so just one itty-bitty bit of con crit.
"who Cedric belatedly realized was Hermione Granger."
Perhaps it should be "who, Cedric belatedly realized, was Hermione Granger." Offset that statement *points up* with commas.
I'm truly enjoying this story and reading on, leaving a short review, because I can't wait! :)
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Yes, poor Cedric. The mention of the Firebolt was almost his undoing!! ;o) HH
Beautiful! This is my favorite chapter so far. I loved the capricious nature of the mermaid. Good job on the gifts at the end, too. :)
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
*grins* I enjoyed this chapter too, and the mermaid was fun to write. HH
Hee! Fantastic detail about Hannah; I applaud her for her intelligence! They do say that Hufflepuffs are well-rounded in everything.
Marvelous job on writing the First Task. We finally find out what happens to Cedric during that task! Great job; I'm truly enjoying this story.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
'Puffers' are too often overlooked y'know! They may be the gentle souls of the bunch, but I think they have HUGE potential and a lot to offer the school!
Thanks for your reviews. That first task was a joy to write, although stressful in its own right!
The first thing I thought of after I read the first few paragraphs was, in response to Amos' input, "Ooh, I bet he'll be sorry after the tournie is over!"
This story has really captured my attention and the only other slash I've read that I liked was one about Harry/Draco. Good job! :)
Hee! I laughed when I read this, "uncertain feelings." It's often 'certain' feelings, but of course Cedric doesn't understand his! :)
Great detail on the badges.
Um... should this be a question? "What could that… witch … have said or done that would have upset Harry this way."
"have said or done that would have upset Harry this way?"
And Cedric placed his hand on Harry's thigh! *gasp* This is getting very interesting! :)
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
Our poor Ced. Things are conspiring against him, not least of which his hormones and a determined author with an extremely naughty muse!! ;o) I'm happy that you're enjoying it.
Ced didn't mean his hand placement to be in a sexual way, more of in a supportive way, 'cause... let's face it, he's worked up also about the entire Tournament. He's a caring and sympathetic being...
I enjoyed reading about Lee ... he has always been a favorite character of mine, :), and I appreciate that you've included him in the story.
A bit of a constru. crit. that I found in the... oh, I am NOT about to count the paragraphs, :P, but here it is anyway: "'Hey, listen, it’s not about that, alright?’ he growled."
Often, authors use 'alright' in their stories, however, the correct way to use this term is 'all ____ right", with a space in between the 'all' and the 'right.' This is because 'right' corresponds with 'wrong' and you wouldn't say 'alwrong,' would you?
Just a bit there... and "...scarlet-haired Gryffindors." I assume you're referring to the Weasley clan, although they don't really have "scarlett hair," do they? It's more of a carrot color, whereas robed Gryffindors would definitely be scarlet.
I am really enjoying your story, it's marvelously written and I can't wait to see how the "Cho Chang conflict" works out. *bounces up and down excitedly* :)
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Wizards and Champions)
*nods* Yep, I was in two minds about the 'alright' vs 'all right' thing, so have changed it. thx again, it's always good to have a fresh pair of eyes picking up what my beta and I have missed! Also changed the hair colour! LOL
I love Lee, he's a wonderful addition to the twins' lunacy and he's very important in his own right. Thanks for reading! HH