11. Time and Place
Chapter 11 of 13
notsosaintlySeverus' spying is not in vain. The trio now knows the place of the Final Battle.
ReviewedChapter Eleven: Time and Place
Hermione awoke the next morning with Severus curled up around her in a fetal position. She couldn't move, nor did she particularly want to.
Severus had returned the night before completely reticent. He had paced in front of the fireplace until the potion finally wore off and then collapsed onto the settee and stared into the fire until even the embers had lost their glow.
Hermione remained in the room but kept silent after her first attempt at communication was rebuked. Her imagination tried to take her in all sorts of wild directions, wondering what exactly had taken place at the meeting, but at least Severus was home and he was not harmed physically. His emotional state was another matter, but her Healer training had taught her that sometimes just a loved one's presence was enough of a comfort. Thus, she remained on the settee beside him, reading off and on, making it clear that she was there if he needed her but she did not expect anything of him, until the fire died and she thought it best to help him to bed.
Like a small child, he let her undress him and tuck him in, then watched as she undressed in the candlelight and climbed in next to him. He reached out and pulled her in, spooning her tightly, and Hermione let out a small sigh of relief. He was going to be okay. He would recover and this whole mess would soon be over.
Unbeknownst to her, Severus was repeating the exact same thing in his mind, creating a sort of mantra, until he finally drifted off to sleep.
It was still early, and she could still smell the moistness of the dungeon walls that deepened with the morning dew. Severus stirred behind her, his arms tightening around her body a fraction, as though he needed reassurance she was still there.
"Good morning," she whispered, hoping that he felt more like talking this morning.
"Mmm," his voice tumbled down her spine and chased itself around her ribcage.
Good, she thought, as relief relaxed her further into his embrace. He shifted and disentangled her from his long arms and legs, turning her around to face him in the dim light. Gathering her close again, he pressed his lips to her forehead and settled once more.
"Glad to see you back in the land of the living." Keeping the mood light around Severus was always a good start.
"Glad to be back," he murmured, blowing a flyaway curl out of his nose. He reached up to comb the night-wildness of her hair away from his face, lovingly drawing each strand out of the way. His lungs expelled a deep sigh of contentment.
Hermione felt as though her heart was breaking for him. He had gone through so much in his life. Granted, much of it was due to poor decisions he had made in his youth. But, really, every man had his breaking point, and she had a feeling Severus had nearly reached his. Warmth spread throughout her body in sheer admiration of his strength.
She pressed her lips against the hollow at the base of his throat and whispered, "I love you so much, Severus. I hope you realise that."
Severus pushed her back into the pillows and gazed down at her. His eyes took on a glassy sheen, and his pupils expanded, making them look inky in the early morning light. All he could do for the moment was behold the woman beneath him. He felt so fortunate to have found her, to have someone who knew him and accepted him for what he had been and who he strived to be.
He poured everything he was feeling into a kiss, telling her without words how grateful he was to have her in his life. She was the one thing he could always count on being there, and he was not going to give that up. Desperation to make her understand this seared his soul and burnt hot on his lips.
Hermione groaned under the heat of his emotion, feeling his heart pour into her own. The heat spread and filled her until she felt as though she were glowing from the inside.
Oh so slowly, his tongue moved between her lips, gently twining with her own. Soft. Gentle. Unhurried. He spoke to her with his body and his mind and his heart, yet without a word, and her body responded in kind.
Severus rocked his hips forward and a sweet, languid pressure gradually filled her body. Gasping, her head fell back into the pillow, and her mouth fell away from his. He made love to her like he never had before, with easy and steady strokes, setting her body on a slow simmer. His mouth traveled across her neck to her earlobe, and he lightly nibbled the edge, causing shivers to shoot down her spine.
Pressed against his chest, her nipples hardened into little knots. He abandoned her ear to take one into his mouth. The rhythm of his tongue upon her breast complemented that of his body, and he could feel her vibrate beneath him.
He knew how much pleasure he could bring her. He knew how many different ways he could bring her to completion, and he enjoyed sharing his knowledge with her. Making love to her like this was like a balm to his wounded soul and immensely satisfying. Each thrust into her body was a declaration of love.
Hermione burned beneath him. Her skin flushed a delicate pink that made her look all the more beautiful. She felt a heaviness settle at the point of his penetration and a buoyancy in her chest as her pulse gained speed.
A thin sheen of perspiration coated their faces and their limbs as the heat rose between them. Lungs filled and emptied with increased difficulty. When the friction finally became too much to physically bear, Hermione opened her body to Severus, accepting his love into her as she released hers to him.
Resting his moist cheek against hers, Severus breathed the words into her ear: "And I love you."
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
It was truly disturbing to see Albus teaching Charms as Penelope Clearwater. Not to mention, he was really not very good at emulating her mannerisms. Blast, Hermione thought as she waited for the students to file past her, I should have volunteered to do this. Although, Albus did look as though he were having a great deal of fun.
"Hermione!" Penelope's voice called cheerfully from the front of the room. "So glad you could stop by!" Oh, he was laying it on thick, wasn't he?
"Penelope." Hermione grimaced. She really wanted to scold the headmaster for his overexuberance, but this was much too public of a place. "The headmaster asked that I accompany you to his office." Bald-faced lies all for the benefit of wayward ears and gossiping portraits.
"Very well, Hermione." Albus set the wards and swept her out of the room.
"You are enjoying this, aren't you?" she whispered as they made their way to the gargoyle-guarded staircase.
"Very much so," he nodded enthusiastically. "I haven't had this much fun in years."
"Hmph. I couldn't tell." She grinned, however. It was as amusing as it was annoying.
Severus was already waiting inside the headmaster's office, pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace. Miss Clearwater's entrance, although expected, caused him to wince slightly. Seeing Penelope only brought back the more difficult memories of the night before.
"Severus! So good to see you!"
"Albus," Severus frowned. "When does that bloody potion wear off?"
"Not to worry, my boy. I should be back to my usual self in no time at all. Lemon drop?"
"Not unless it comes with a double shot of whisky," he growled at the disguised old man. "You really should not be enjoying this so much."
"Oh, what's the harm?" Albus tittered. "I simply cannot get over how young I feel!"
This was really too strange for words. Severus glanced at Hermione who was watching the exchange with a glint in her eye. Both had decided that the Redwood-laced Polyjuice would remain their secret and had given Albus the unadulterated version. Severus was ever so glad of that decision at the moment.
"And what, pray tell, do you find so amusing?"
Hermione giggled. "Nothing much. You seem a bit jealous is all. I find it a bit ironic."
Severus snorted. He grabbed the tumbler of whisky that had appeared beside him and turned toward the fire. "Just tell me when the old man decides to make an appearance, would you?" he pleaded under his breath.
Hermione turned back and approached the desk where Albus was preparing tea.
"Albus, honestly, will you take it easy on Severus? This isn't easy for him." She kept her voice low so Severus wouldn't hear.
"I know, my dear. I know. It will all be over soon."
Hermione noticed his hand lengthening first, becoming more wrinkled and gnarled. She looked up into his eyes that were gradually lightening to their usual blue. In no time at all, Albus Dumbledore stood before her once more.
"Won't you have tea with us, Severus?" Albus' voice boomed across the room.
Severus' shoulders drooped and his head fell forward in visible relief before he turned around. Sitting his glass down on the end table, he strode over to the desk.
"Let's get down to business, then, shall we?" Albus grew serious as he passed a cup of tea to Severus and then to Hermione.
Severus stirred a drop of honey into the brew. Albus always brewed a strong cup of tea, and it tended to be harsh on his throat.
"Right." Severus took a sip of the still-bitter tea and cleared his throat. "The meeting, then. The Dark Lord had given Lucius an assignment, it seems. They spoke in verse to verify its completion."
"Do you remember the verse, my boy?"
He grit his teeth, biting back the bitterness. "Of course, Albus, I remember it. Lucius said, 'The stone of the battlements will seek out its brother. When all its occupants have been gathered, therein will begin the slaughter.'"
Albus asked almost inaudibly, "And what was Tom's answer?"
Severus looked up, curious at the headmaster's tone. "His reply was, 'With the equinox sunrise, our enemy will meet its demise.' What is it, Albus?"
"Only that our task has become slightly more difficult."
Hermione looked back and forth between the two men, feeling a panic rise slowly within her. "You understand the verse then, Headmaster?"
Albus sighed and steepled his fingers under his chin. "Yes, Hermione. I do."
"Are you going to keep us on tenterhooks, Albus, or do you plan on sharing it with us?" Severus' curiosity was overtaken by his irritation once more.
"Perhaps it has been years since you have read Hogwarts, A History, Severus," the headmaster began. He directed his attention toward Hermione, who had blanched considerably. "But I believe it's one of your favourite books, is it not, Hermione?"
Hermione nodded her head weakly.
"As Hermione could no doubt tell you, Severus, the stone that you see around you, the stone that was used to construct Hogwarts castle, was taken from the same vein as that of Stonehenge." Albus let that settle for a brief moment before continuing. "Stone seeks out its brother. Gathering its occupants. Essentially, they are planning to transport the occupants of the castle to a new location, that of its brother. They plan on beginning the battle at sunrise the morning of the Spring Equinox at Stonehenge."
"We have to evacuate the children immediately." Severus got to his feet.
"Sit down, Severus. We cannot make any rash decisions. It would not go unnoticed."
Severus sat down reluctantly, looking for his whisky.
Albus turned toward Hermione. "Yes, my dear?"
"Exactly how are they planning to transport a couple hundred of people without their knowledge?"
"The answer is in the first sentence: 'The stone of the battlements will seek out its brother.' Lucius' assignment was to create a Portkey."
Severus did not think it possible for Hermione to get any paler than she already was. She looked as though she were about to faint.
"So the entire castle will become a Portkey?" she whispered unbelievingly.
"In a manner of speaking. Rather, each stone should behave independently as a Portkey, transporting any person who comes into contact with it. As I said, our task has just become slightly more difficult."
Severus caught Hermione before she slumped to the floor.
A/N: Just two more chapters to go, readers. Thanks for sticking with me through good and bad.
And just in case you are wondering, Hermione is all right. Madam Pomfrey said this happened once before. (They kept it all hush-hush because she needed a break from Ron's stifling attentions.) You have to forgive Hermione this one small weakness. She didn't see this one coming, poor girl.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Soothing Hands
90 Reviews | 8.19/10 Average
Whenever I'm browsing through a member's favorites list and I come upon this story, I can't not read the first chapter. It's so erotic and titillating. This story will always be one of my revisited repeat indulgences. Like chocolate but sexier.
I really enjoyed this story. thanks for sharing. Kelly :)
I have truly enjoyed this story multiple times. I have always said screw DH and I say for any author's muse who is bothered, Screw HPB!!!
JR is not an extremely skilled story teller. She gave us wonderful characters to play with and a wonder plot bunny. She has a great imagination but not great story telling prowess.
I have been a SciFi freak for 30 years. No sane author kills off so many major characters in an untimely death as she did. I can tell you the series I have never bothered to finish because the plot just got darker and more depressing the longer it went and I finally ended up despising them. I never finished the Sword of Shanara series nor the Wheel of Time past the first few books. Their authors started out with good ideas that they simply could not sustain.
I would have never finished the HP series if I hadn't had fan fiction to comfort me through the horrible story telling past The Order of the Pheonix. Huzzah for Fanfiction writers!
I figure Severus and Hermione were never cannon, so why does anything else we play with of hers need to be.
Thanks for the toys JR but in the end, you suck. Sorry, but it's true.
Bless you for the Petulant Poetess and all that it means to so many notsosaintly! You absolutely Rock!
Severus and Hermione are being very brave, and I admire their ablility to persevere through so much adversity and physical pain. Severus is of course especailly heroic in his ability to will himself to do what must be done when he is terrified and knows he will endure toruture. I am surprised however, at Lucius' magical power to turn Hogwarts into a portkey. He never seems to be a particularly powerful wizard most of the time. Mostly, he ususally seems sly and able to use charm and money to influence others for his benefit. I hope after this the ministry hires Hermione to find a way to have the magical ability to reverse portkeys they have liciensed before they can be activated when necessary for security purposes. If anyone could do it, it would be her. Well, on with the battle. I am enjoying your story tremendously.
Can you tell me what it is about Clearwater that holds Voldemort so smitten?
I'm sure there are any number of crazy bitches, like Belatrix who would love to be his lover. What could Miss Clearwater possible have that he wants?
Does he feel that all the other HO's don't really love him for himself but only for his power, or they only love him for the power that he can bestow on them?
But Miss Clearwater actually thinks he's pretty. Maybe She truely loves his scaley skin against her body. Maybe she loves the way he smells. And she wants to be the mother of his children?
She loves Tom perhaps? Maybe she is much more powerfull then we know and he admires her. I'd really like to know why it is she's the girl for him. Does she play kinky games just the way he likes or is it that she is truely evil and he finds her a kindred soul. Let me know if you can what it is that makes Tom appear to acutally care for or have feelings for Miss Clearwater.
I do think they should have let Harry in on this sooner. He'll be all alone in that house, unless Ron's back. And a lot regrets to worry about and people to squar things with and he won't have Hermione to mother him. No one will because they can't tell anyone else. Let's see, Gennie should be graduated by now. Do you mean to tell me that Harry is still a vergin? Is Genny still underage? He'll be thinking about the real possibility he won't have the chance to live before he dies.
Gennie better get on the ball and make the first move before Harry decides it would be wrong to lead Gennie on, by being with here and tell her how much he loves her, then go off and get himself killed.
I can't imagine what he found out. I can't imagine Hermione not wanting to know more and I also can't imagine that he didn't have to report to Dumbledore before he got to sleep for the night. Maybe Hermione just didn't want to upset Severus and figured she'd find out when he reports to Albus. I wonder how long Miss Clearwater has been with Voldemort? It can't have been terribly long or Severus would already be dead. Why does she keep her trysts with Voldebutt in a pensive? Is is so she can relive them or to keep them secret. Is that how Severus and Albus have never suspected her? Or is she just so seemingly innocent that they have never tried to see her toughts. I suppose there's no accounting for taste, first Percy then Voldemort, yuk! Have you seen his finger nails? What female would allow those nasty things anywhere near her curly sex! And so Severus has done all of this suffering for nothing? Damn! I hope Clearwater pays for her crimes.
Hee hee hee, poor little Harry. He'll have to perform a disinfecting charm before he can ever use his kitchen again. I'm so happy for Severus and Hermione. I hope this works. When this is over, Hermione will be the luckiest woman on earth!
Aw, Damn it! I don't Severus to go back there. I don't remember for sure, but the tone of the story so far gives me hope that nothing horrible will happen to Severus and they will be sucessful. I don't remember feeling sad at the end of this story. I wouldn't have wanted to read it again if it had. I don't like sad stories. These stories are my escape. Real life is sad enough. So far, I am having a wonderful time!
Yeh! Dumbledore isn't sending Severus back to the dark lord. Yeh! Harry almost choked on his tea!
Just kidding.
Yeh! Hermione and Severus are going to do more shagging! Not kidding.
And I'm sure once Molly stops feeling embarrassed she'll smile for them.
I'd wondered if either of them had thought to put a silencing charm on the room last night. Hopefully, Dumbledore won't make Severus go back. I wonder who eles might have heard their tryst. If Albus heard them he should have warned them that others may have as well. I we'll see at breakfast.
The soothing hands is a wonderful plot tool. Your description of their love making is full of lust, and love and joy. What a joyful surprise for Hermione. And of course, Severus can now have the completion and love he is owed by the cruelty of his life and two handlers. I actually read this story a long time ago and have been looking for it. I'm so glad to have found it again! I don't remember the rest. One small benefit of short term memory problems. Old stories become new again. I hope Hermione and Severus can free Severus from Dumbledore and Voldemort. If I were Hermione I'd be ready to duel Albus if he tried to send Severus back. Only, since he's stronger than she is I think it fair that she not give him any warning. I'm not against a hex in the back to the head under the cirmcumstances. That would be kind of funny actually. Hermione and Dumbledore in a duel over Severus.
Lovely story!
Well done!
Guh! I do not know how many times I have read this fic. This first chapter is just absolute perfection. I come back to it time and time again when I need to experience the true beauty of hurt/comfort. I am a true believer in the miracles of the healing touch. I am at a loss to describe how wonderful this story is and how fabulously you have portrayed the healing touch with your words.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
The first chapter is my favorite. It was meant originally as a standalone. I admit, I've reread it a couple times all by itself. ;)
wow i really loved this fic.. great job and i honestly love the way you have written hermione, severus and all of the others great job!!!!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it so much!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it so much!
Great story!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
Thank you. I'm happy you enjoyed it!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
Thank you. I'm happy you enjoyed it!
Hello! I am just here doing a bit of background reading for a quiz I am working on, Removing the mark. ))))whistles innocently.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
LOL ... Hope you found everything you were looking for!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
LOL ... Hope you found everything you were looking for!
Truly believe that 5 stars are not enough for this story.Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
Well, thank you. And you made it all the way to the end. *whew*
You know how to keep people in suspense. Lovely. I love suspense books too. Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
Suspense is good. I posted the last two chapters simultaneously back when I wrote this, so I wasn't TOO evil.
OK How much Polyjuice potion did they allow him? lolIt's freaking me out to think of that old man going around getting other people's hairs so he can do <stuff> to their bodies while using the potion. Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
Like I said, that man has a few kinks. I know. Eww.
Clearwater is sick.I take it that when Voldie-butt calls his followers, he calls all of them at the same time, right?
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
I think it depends on what old Voldie wants. Can you imagine wanting someone like old Moldy-Voldy? Not I!
Oh please like we care about Percy. That is the one Weasley that I do not want to see in a sex story. Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
I just checked... you DID read Servitude, my sick pairing of old Voldie and Percy. Maybe you just like to see him punished like I do? *lol* I personally don't want anything to do with that prat.
While reading this chapter something came to mind. Do they ever get to play with the Polyjuice potion? Tamara
You are such an awesome smut writer. I love the whole feel of this chapter. Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Soothing Hands)
I love the idea of Harry retching...