New Chapter for Rolling Downhill
Rolling Downhill
moiramountain6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Created in response to a prompt given for the HP Friendship Fest 2012. During the final months of the War, there was only one person Draco Malfoy was honest with - Luna Lovegood. Regretfully, these fascinating folk are JK's creations, not mine. Would it were otherwise.
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About moiramountain
Member Since 2008 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 33 | 329 Reviews Written | 307 Review Responses
A Celtic heart residing in Denver in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains,I've been posting fictions for about a year now and have met some wonderful new friends, including an outstanding beta.
Professionally I'm the Operations Director of a modern dance ensemble, and personally the proud mother of two wonderful daughters.
Those of you who read my works know my passion for the beauty and power of language -- it is my goal to lure the reader into the story -- invoking powerful images, and waking the magic of the tale in their hearts. Much like a potion, I hope to bewitch and ensnare. I VERY MUCH appreicate reviews and critiques. Very helpful to see what my readers are thinking. Currently working on an epic piece and am so happy that so many of you are becoming immersed in it, and are also saying you like my shorter pieces as well. It's an honor to be in the company of some incredible writers - and readers as well !!
Reviews for Rolling Downhill
Your Luna is perfectly painted. Her insight into Draco's torment is profound, and his recognition of that is his salvation. Brilliant. :)
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
Thank you so much Sunny. Of all of JK's characters, I suspect it was Luna who saw things most clearly. I do like to think that Draco made it out alive, in every sense of the word.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
Thank you so much Sunny. Of all of JK's characters, I suspect it was Luna who saw things most clearly. I do like to think that Draco made it out alive, in every sense of the word.
I haven't been left breathless by a story in a very long time. How can I say that... they deserve to be OC characters, belonging all to you. Thanks a lot.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
My sincere thanks for such a compliment to my work. JK was truly blessed by the Muse, wasn't she? The wish of all writers...
Response from sarablade (Reviewer)
What I meant was (and I'm sorry if it sounds exaggerated) is that you gave them a depth they don't have in canon, and I'd love to see how you'd have treated them if they were "all yours". I'm sure you'd pull it off brilliantly.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
My sincere thanks for such a compliment to my work. JK was truly blessed by the Muse, wasn't she? The wish of all writers...
Response from sarablade (Reviewer)
What I meant was (and I'm sorry if it sounds exaggerated) is that you gave them a depth they don't have in canon, and I'd love to see how you'd have treated them if they were "all yours". I'm sure you'd pull it off brilliantly.
One of the things I enjoy so much in your writing is how you find ways to incorporate canon, history, and legend – like the Malfoys getting their start in Britain because of service to Guillaume de Normandie. Names of the constellations or from ancient history are ones I associate with the Malfoy family, and Ceyx and Alcyone are great names for Draco's new birds, and hint at his new beginnings.
I like your Draco and felt that you perfectly described what it must have been like for him to shoulder the weight and horror of the responsibilities heaped on him, but for which he was ill prepared. How on earth do you weight the torture and death of your parents against the torture and death of a classmate? Luna, very much in character, did everything she could to try to help him find his way through this hell into which Bellatrix threw them both.
Draco's going to see Luna after the war made me smile. It's the kind of thing I think he would do to make amends. The significance of Luna telling him about the long hill behind her house was very sweet. Just the thing to let him know she still wanted to see him happy.Well done, my friend!
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
As always, my thanks. I do think it was some blessing of the Divine that put Luna into this place with him - I can't really see anyone else having the strength and compassion to get them both through that horror. In my personal canon, that friendship endures - and I suspect Luna had no fiercer warrior to defend her ever after against any harm than her Dragon.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
As always, my thanks. I do think it was some blessing of the Divine that put Luna into this place with him - I can't really see anyone else having the strength and compassion to get them both through that horror. In my personal canon, that friendship endures - and I suspect Luna had no fiercer warrior to defend her ever after against any harm than her Dragon.
The power and beauty of this is overwhelming... by the end, one weeps and heart breaks at the full circle Draco and Luna have made with each other. The painful, realistic, sadistic situation that Draco and Luna find themselves in and miraculously survive--is riveting; the treatment of the theme, as well as the pain which is healed by the end, and the treatment of these two is done with such insight, feeling, poignant metaphors and love, it's just a wonderful experience!
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
Thank you so much. I really wasn't sure how this would be received - whether readers would accept it as the result of a Friendship Fest. Draco and Luna seperately and together proved quite the challenge.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
Thank you so much. I really wasn't sure how this would be received - whether readers would accept it as the result of a Friendship Fest. Draco and Luna seperately and together proved quite the challenge.
This just might be your best one yet, and that is saying something. I had to stop reading a couple of times, it was so painful at times. And yet it offered hope too ... the way he was introduced to Astoria through Luna. I just loved this so much.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
Thank you so much. I did want the boy to finally start to get his life right and have a true friend (and eventually a true love, as well). I greatly appreciate how much support you always give me. It means a great deal.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
Thank you so much. I did want the boy to finally start to get his life right and have a true friend (and eventually a true love, as well). I greatly appreciate how much support you always give me. It means a great deal.
This is my second reading, of this wonderful tale. It is a real gem, with so many facets. The cruelty of making Draco kill his birds, and then feed them to that damned snake, with the thinly veiled threat of his mother being next, sent shivers up my spine. Not until the end do we see that , Draco did all he could to spare Luna and Mr Ollivander, from an even worse fate, a visit from Bella. What Draco did was terrible, but he was as much a victim as anyone. The last line was just perfect.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
This story grew out of a Friendship Fest prompt and proved to be far more challenging to write than I'd anticipated. I had to wait for the characters to speak to me and tell me what they wanted to share about those months they were together. I'm so glad you enjoyed it - and I'm pleased that the piece is still being discovered !!
Response from moiramountain (Author of Rolling Downhill)
This story grew out of a Friendship Fest prompt and proved to be far more challenging to write than I'd anticipated. I had to wait for the characters to speak to me and tell me what they wanted to share about those months they were together. I'm so glad you enjoyed it - and I'm pleased that the piece is still being discovered !!