New Chapter for Tappitytaptap
Aurette28 Reviews | 28 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
It could be that Hermione is cracking under stress, or it could be that her loved ones have come up with a plan…
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About Aurette
Member Since 2007 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 491 | 126 Reviews Written | 1,161 Review Responses
Forty-something, married, Professional Colorist seeks intelligent, scrawny man with misunderstood past. Tattoos a plus, snarkiness a must.
My interests include: Eating, breathing, napping, swearing and chocolate; as well as long, romantic walks from the refrigerator to my computer.
Needed skills must include: Foot massage, adoration, feeding my kids for me and ironing my husband's work clothes, along with sneering, looming, staring at me with desire, and reading whatever I hand you into my ear in a sultry tone.
Reviews for Tappitytaptap
Good old Crooks, he would do anythig for his pet, and a little Dover sole doesn't hurt.
Boys! Great prank to everyones benefit. What if she's now getting only 120%, though??
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
lol! I suspect she would need to reevaluate her priorities!
Oh Ron! Thanks for writing a Ron who can get the better of Hermione -- sexy!
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
You are so welcome!
I love that line! "I thought I heard tapdancing" and here it's Crookshanks all along! LOL! I am so sorry love, that I didn't get a chance to read this drabble until now - I have had a crazy week and I didn't get much chances to read nor vote! But I am SO absolutely thrilled that you won! Congratulations again and again and again - do you believe it now that everyone loves your writing as much as I do??? xMwha!!!x
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
*hugs* I'm just glad I got to entertain you! Thanks you for the big head.
Hee hee - well that's one way for Ron to get a date out of his girl. lol
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Absolutely! *hugs*
I have rather a soft spot for a sensible, caring Ron. And Crooks, of course! It's nice to think of the two of them finally get along.
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you!
sometimes ya gota be smarter than hermione...well done crooks and ron...and well done Aurette
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you!
Roflol!!! That is awesome. Crooks tap dancing.
Love it! What appeared at first to be a prank is actually really sweet of Ron. Congratulations!
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you!
Ah, sweet and funny... I like stories of Ron and Hermione where Ron isn't made out to be a total prat.
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Me too! Although, I admit I've been guilty...
Love Ron and Crookshanks working together & taking care of Hermione - knowing what's best for her at the moment! Lovely, sweet work!
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you! *hugs*
LOL! Crookshanks is a hero if he managed to tear Hermione away from her books although there are exams waiting right round the corner. As little as I like to see Hermione and Ron together, his imagination in your story is inspired.
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
I thought I would go out with a bang, and rise or fall on my ability to make Ron and Hermione work. If only for 499 words. ;-) Thank you so much,
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
, you were a spur that made me stretch. *hugs*
Response from nata (Reviewer)
Was I? You are a fantastic writer and reading your stories was great fun. Thank you for sharing them and sincere contratulations on the title.
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
You were indeed, and thank you.
Cute. Reminds me of trying to turn my own shoes into tap shoes when I was a child. Good to see Crooks and Ron have gotten over their issues and are working together.
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
I did that too!
That was fun! Awesome to see Crookshanks help Ron take care of Hermione.
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you! *hugs*
aww.A prank for someones benefit.Wow, Ron CAN be sweet!liked it, thanks for sharing!
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you! *hugs*
I love a Ron who is smart enough to know just how to take care of Hermione. THIS is the Ron from book one, the chess master! Love it!
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you!
Hee hee! Something tells me that Ron has watched Hermione work herself into the ground for umpteen nights in a row, that he's seen her neglect herself in the name of her studies for far too long, and that he's finally decided it's time to act. This is the Ron I really like - the one whose sense of humour was desperately needed by Harry and Hermione in dark times, the one who provides a fairly necessary foil for Hermione in all her intensity.And Crookshanks? He's 'agreed' to do the distracting deed for fish - the mercenary! - but still needs the proper motivation of a laser pointer to chase. I love it (even more than I love how your sound effects only count for one word each - good on you for beating the word count).
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you Ofankoma! *hugs* I really did do an endrun around the word count using my stealthy onomatopoeia, but boy, you should have seen me wibbling with those Tap Tap Taps... Take one away? Doesn't work. Add an extra? But I need another word over <i>here!</i>
Response from ofankoma (Reviewer)
And... Congratulations! (Insert thunderous applause here.)
I have a soft spot for Ron, so when he is made to be a nice guy (even with a sprinkle of previously undiscovered Slytherin on board) and clever, you get my approval. Add in the fact that he has teamed up with Crookshanks and I am sold. Hermione had no chance against these two. Very cute and funny.
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
So glad you liked it
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
! *hugs*
omg, LOL. I love this!
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you! I'm so glad! *hugs*
Had to snicker at the word "sole" right on top of the naughty kitty's "paws". And getting a snicker from me on a Ron/Hermione story is an accomplishment. What an annoying boyfriend, to deliberately distract her when she's trying to revise for her NEWTs!
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
LOL! Thank you! *hugs*
This made me laugh out loud for joy. I think this is the sort of thing JKR had in mind when she paired these two. I love the partnership that Ron and Crooksie seem to have formed because they both love Hermione.
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
Thank you, Rose! *hugs*
Oooh, I would kill them! This made me laugh.
Response from Aurette (Author of Tappitytaptap)
I would too! *hugs*