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Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch
HBAR25 Reviews | 25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
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Member Since 2007 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 7 | 3,193 Reviews Written | 502 Review Responses
Reviews for Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch
Hahaha so funny
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Glad you enjoyed it!
LOL! Thanks, this was clever and funny.
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
awww ... thank you. I am so glad you enjoyed it!
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
awww ... thank you. I am so glad you enjoyed it!
oh my gods this was hilarious!!
poor Viktor.
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Poor Viktor, indeed. The LDWS certainly made my mind go some weird places, and much to my dismay, comedy seems to be all my brain wants to produce. So in that case, I am glad that you found it amusing. It is hard to know if your own stuff is any good after you've read it over a billion times. Thanks for taking the time to read and review!
I actually laughed out loud during this. You are priceless. So, so, funny. I am coming to think that writing is like hair: you don't like what you have, you always wish you had the lady's next to you. What I wouldn't GIVE to be able to give people a chuckle like you do. It really is a talent! *is envious*
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
I love your hair analogy! It is completely accurate. If you and I were to collaborate, we just might become a curly redhead :) Or probably more realistically, a pink mohawk, LOL. You have no idea how happy I am that you have enjoyed my stories. Your opinion matters more to me than anyone else. Thanks for reading and giving ridiculously over-the-top praise. I'm totally eating it up :)
I *LOVE* this drabble. It had me laughing out loud and giggling in front of the computer. It's easily the funniest piece of the entire challenge, and my favourite entry in the "humour" category. Thank you for writing this. I'm sure I will read and re-read again...
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
What a fantastic review! You've made my night. I love to make people laugh, so if I accomplished that, my day is complete. :)
Aw poor Victor. What's the fun of being a Quidditch star if you can't even get the girls? lol
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Don't feel too bad. Sounds like he hasn't been lacking in female companionship so far. Everyone will forget as soon as someone famous does something more outrageous :) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Oh, no! Percy just should have admitted he wasn't sure what he was doing.
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Well where would the fun be in that? It was the alcohol, I assure you. But fear not. If the Weasleys hire him, it will surely be as a guinea pig for their products, so showing up drunk can only be a good thing, right?
Poor Victor! First all the prettiest girls are taken, then no one will touch him
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Well, those witches are fickle from story to story. I still think Viktor will come out on top (no pun intended ... or was it?)
That was some might merge of news! It fit one another perfectly and the word jumble promises to bring lots of potential for new avenues of WWW.
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Thank you for your review. Maybe the Wizarding Wireless folks will hire Percy back for an entertainment show. And maybe WWW won't hire him on grounds of being a total git, LOL.
Viktor's going to totally murder Percy when he finds what happened. This was GREAT! :D
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Yes, maybe I'd like to see the scene where that happens. Hmmm ...
If I could buy you a bottle of whatever Percy was drinking during the course of this story - to thank you for such a fun read - I totally would. Great work with the interwoven texts! And... just how many went for testing? Apparently, Viktor's numbers are pretty high!
Response from ofankoma (Reviewer)
(Oh, and the title? I tip my hat to your beta, per your a/n request... It's sensational!)
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Well, Viktor is pretty popular. Of course, maybe some of those women went in wanting others to think they'd been lucky enough to get some Krum action :)And I'd love a bottle of whatever Percy was drinking, but then I might end up writing another one of these and next time it could really get out of hand. Better keep ito for yourself for the sake of readers everywhere.
That was absolutely hilarious! Brilliant combination of the stories - am off to read it again!
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
It's worthy of a double read? *is ecstatic*
OMG, tooooooooo funny! I almost peed myself!!!
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Oh no! They need a new "advised to use the toilet before reading" warning. Glad you enjoyed it!
What an inventive take on the prompt! Enjoyed it.
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Thank you for reading and reviewing. I'm glad you liked it.
Excellent. We have fun switching between TV channels... the things that can crop up. I really enjoyed this and all its implications.
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Glad you like it. Thanks so much for telling me so.
Aww, poor, drunken Percy - LOL! And Viktor - poor, baby! Brilliant take on the prompt and the two sets of information!
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Thanks for the nice review. Yes, poor Viktor. Poor Percy? Well, ok, I'm feeling generous tonight so he can have a small bit of sympathy ... until he screws up again :)
Perhaps there was a kernel of truth in the report about Viktor if so many people turned up for STI checks.
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Oh, I hadn't thought of that. Well, in that case, Percy did his pubic service duty by raising awareness, LOL. I suspect that Victor just gets around, or maybe those women want people to think they've been with him. So many possibilities ...
OMG, I couldn't stop laughing. You've combined these two stories perfectly. Bravo
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Thank you so much for such a nice review. Glad I could make you laugh!
OMFG! Poor Viktor. I am ROFLMAO.
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Yay! I am so glad I could make you laugh. Poor Viktor, indeed.
Poor Viktor! Percy got away with just resigning?
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Well, I think Percy did it before they could fire him. Don't worry, I'm sure Hermione will tell Viktor where he lives.
ROFL.. Poor Viktor! :)
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Well someone had to be sacrificed for a laugh, and Viktor doesn't get picked on too much. I suspect he will recover quickly, or go on to be the spokesman for aciclovir :)
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
You could at least have given him pink. frilly knickers! :P
Ahhh! What a trainwreck for poor Viktor!
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
Never fear. I suspect he will recover quickly.
Poor Viktor, and who trusted Percy with firewhiskey and a microphone?
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
I don't think anyone suspected Percy to be hitting the bottle, but it happened, and now I think he might be a more pleasant fellow when drunk. He should just wait until after work.
LOL!!! Fantastic take on the prompt. OH! Poor Viktor...
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Well, if Viktor had to be sacrificed in an attempt to make you laugh, I say so be it. Plus, before long, Snape will dress in drag, or Neville will marry his grandmother, or Hermione and Crooksh ... well, you get the idea. Someone will do something worse and this will all be forgotten :)
*sporfle* Oh man, these are so good this week. Poor Viktor! And PERCY, drunk? Holy cat.
Response from HBAR (Author of Consequences of Bedroom Quidditch)
Holy cat, indeed. As for Percy, we'll just say he was a little late coming into his party years :)