New Chapter for Greenland, Ho!
Greenland, Ho!
kitty_clair5 Reviews | 5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
So, why am I traveling by dogsled through #@%&*! Greenland with Luna Lovegood? A collaborative effort by Clairvoyant and kittylefish for the January challenge at the ptterpr0nprmpts community at LiveJournal.
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About kitty_clair
Member Since 2011 | 1 Story | Favorited by 0 | 0 Reviews Written | 0 Review Responses
We are Clairvoyant and kittylefish, writing together.
Reviews for Greenland, Ho!
Champagne? In a tent? In a remote location where they have to huddle to stay warm? Neville never knew what hit him. Awesome story!
Sounds like seduction to my ears. *giggle*
Thanks for sharing~Elou
That's not cold... that's hot!
Bet it wasn't cold for long. ;)
Very nice! You can tell Luna's a Ravenclaw--Neville never saw it coming! And of course since you can't use any magic, that means no warming charms...which means there's only one way to keep warm inside a tent...heh heh heh.