Chapter Two: Did I Shave My Legs For This?
Chapter 2 of 7
TeddyRadiatorSeverus finds out just what happened while he was sleeping...
ReviewedFor Sempraseverus
Antilitigation Charm: Nothing you recognize belongs to me. All characters are property of JK Rowling and not me. If they did belong to me, Severus Snape would be alive and well and snarking his way through Hogwarts again.
Chapter 2 Did I Shave My Legs For This?
I regained consciousness in hell. That is, if hell looked like the Hogwarts' Infirmary on the night the Boy-Who-Lived finally managed to pull his finger out of his arse and cast the Killing Curse so that Tom Riddle would breathe his last and cease to be. I opened my eyes and tried to move. A hand stilled my movements.
"Shh," a soft voice soothed, and I felt something warm touch my forehead. "You're safe now. It'll all be over soon."
Armed and alarmed with this cryptic, familiar message, I struggled to open my eyes and sit up, but pain blossomed into my neck and I fell back with a grunt. As pain went, it wasn't the worst I'd suffered. I'd take this pain over the Dark Lord's Cruciatus Curse and his enchanted cat-o-nine tails any day. I'd suffered under them enough to know what pain really was, and I had the scars to prove it.
This new pain was burning, dry and itching, enveloped within a cold layer of air that cushioned my skin. It was accompanied by a high-pitched scream that reverberated in my head. Later I was told I was hearing the screaming of the injured, but in my feverish delirium I thought it was me. I struggled to move and get away from the cold layer of skin surrounding me and the scream that overlaid it. Small, strong hands held me in place.
"Please don't move, Prof...Severus," the shaking voice said. "Please lie still, please." The pleas were endearingly spoken with a voice trembling with fear. I understood that. I was back among the land of the living. I opened a swollen eye and found myself looking into a pair of huge, cinnamon-coloured eyes filled with concern and exhaustion. Hermione Granger. And I'd thought things were going too good to last.
"Lily," I moaned, trying to go back to that quiet place she inhabited. I despised this cold, screaming hell that I was currently floundering in. I despised the idea of Granger pawing me during my less-than-awake moments. I despised everything and everyone, especially myself.
My first truly lucid moment happened several days later. The afternoon sun was slanting into the Infirmary windows, and I opened my eyes to see Hermione Granger sitting on a nearby chair, a book of healing spells open on her lap. She had dozed and was leaning slightly forward. The slightest movement from me brought her wide awake, and she smiled at me as if I'd just delivered a cure for Muggle cancer.
"Severus, thank Merlin you're awake!" She jumped up and began running diagnostic charms on me. "How are you feeling?"
"Thirsty." I had meant it to sound imperious and authoritative, but it came out little more than a croak. Instantly she produced a glass of water and helped me to drink it. I was too weak to allow my pride to manifest, but later I would berate myself for letting her baby me.
"How long..." I rasped again and tried to clear my throat. Pain shot up from my neck. Granger's concern was palpable.
"Please don't try to talk any more than necessary, Severus," she fussed, plumping pillows, tucking me in, all the usual irritating things Poppy Pomfrey did to make me feel helpless. She must give her Healing Assistants lessons in it.
Granger noticed my irritation and took pity on me. "You've been asleep for almost a week." She gave me a proprietorially fond smile. "We did it, Severus! Voldemort is dead. Finally dead! And Harry did it with your help."
I listened with growing amazement as Granger filled me in on the events of the night I died. So. What happened to me made no difference in the final outcome. I might as well have been a Hufflepuff Quidditch player for all the changes I made in the final battle. I felt sick with loathing. So Potter had won, and the Dark Lo...Tom Riddle was dead.
"Who else...dead?" I croaked.
Granger made a face. "We can talk about that later, Severus..."
"Who?" I sounded like I had acute laryngitis. I felt hideous. I felt even worse as Granger rattled off the roll call of the dead. So many students. My students. Killed while I was Headmaster. All because I was the puppet held up by the manipulating hands of Dumbledore and Tom Riddle. Her voice faltered when she mentioned Fred Wealsey, Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin.
So, the capricious twins Fred and George Weasley, separated. How would George adjust to life without his twin? And Tonks and the werewolf were gone. I had heard through the Hogwarts' grapevine they were new parents. In self-disgust I turned away from Granger. She finally stuttered to a halt.
"Severus, are you okay? Do you need anything?"
I shook my head. Sadness and self-hatred welled up within me, and I wondered once again why I was forced to return to this life. It didn't help that Granger was talking to me as if we were old friends instead of student and teacher. Her familiarity enraged me for some reason, and I turned to her.
"It's Professor, Miss Granger. You are forgetting your place. I do not recall giving you liberties with my name." Circe, that one little speech left me exhausted, and I fell asleep, but not before I had the satisfaction of seeing the hurt on her face.
"What happened to me?"
It was several days later that I was able to sit up for a few hours at a time. I was still weak, frustratingly so, and irritated that Granger had taken it upon herself to be my personal Healer. Poppy Pomfrey was over the moon about it. She thought I needed around-the-clock care and, for some strange reason, Granger wanted to give it to me. Poppy had her hands full with an Infirmary overflowing with patients, visitors and concerned parents.
At my question, Granger flushed slightly and grew quiet. I smirked.
"Fancy that. If I'd only known the right questions to ask I could have shut you up years ago." She almost visibly flinched at the venom in my voice. Served her right, I thought.
Since her first year she'd been a thorn in my arse with her endless hand-waving and her textbook answers. I had famously coined her an 'insufferable little know-it-all' and nothing she'd ever done or would ever do would change my opinion of her. The truth was that she reminded me all too much of myself at her age, and seeing as how I despised myself, it only stood to reason I would despise Granger as well.
"Well?" I barked, when no answer was forthcoming. "Come now, Granger, surely you can sum up the answer without the use of one of your beloved texts, can't you?"
She shook her head. "Sev...Professor, it's a very uninteresting story. You were injured; I brought you here to get well." She said it all dismissively, but in an uncharacteristic gesture, her eyes refused to meet mine.
"What are you hiding?" I asked quietly. Too many years as a spy winkling out information from reluctant sources had given me certain skills in reading body language, and I used them to terrifying efficiency in the past. I was not above using them now if no satisfactory answer was forthcoming.
"Hermione," I said, dropping my voice to its smoothest, silkiest drawl. I was confident enough to know that my voice was pleasant to some. I was not above using it as well to get what I wanted.
"Hermione," I repeated, "look at me."
Sure enough, she brought her lovely, large eyes to meet mine, and I saw her breathing increase as she looked at me with absolute trust, as willing and supplicant as a lamb to the slaughter. I smiled at her, trapped as she was in my basilisk glare.
I whispered, "Legilimens," and those russet eyes flew open wide as I invaded her thoughts like a vandal tearing through a breached vault, bent on careless destruction in order to find what I sought. She was too tired to put up more than a token resistance, and I gleefully batted away her defenses as easily as an adult's hands will smack a child's.
I found myself back in the Shrieking Shack seconds after I gave Potter the memories. I saw myself through Hermione's eyes as I fell back, dead. I could feel her horror and fear and desolation, but also a lurking, grim determination to do what was right.
I watched as Potter and Weasley ran off, no doubt to find a Pensieve in which to view my memories, and Granger ran after them, but only to give the appearance of leaving. She quickly turned back to my body and fell to her knees, frantically searching amongst my robes for any potions I might be carrying.
"Clever girl," I found myself murmuring, impressed in spite of myself. The other two dunderheads hadn't even thought of checking to see if I had come prepared. She found my hidden stash and added several other bottles from her own sources.
It was only at that moment that I realized what I'd done. If I was so eager to die, why had I armed myself with so many revitalization potions? Blood Replenishing, Antivenin, Infection Deterrent, Pain potions. Why was I so armed to protect myself when I was so ready to die? I grimly pressed on, having decided to examine my motives outside Granger's head.
In her memories Granger gently placed my head in her lap, her eyes almost popping with fear. She was babbling, "Don't die on me, Severus Snape! Don't you dare die! Don't you dare!" Then, more gently, "Please don't die." I saw her open and pour potion after potion into my mouth, rubbing my throat, forcing me to swallow. Her hands were shaking so badly I wondered how most of the liquid actually made it into my sagging mouth.
She applied pressure to the hideous snake bite wound on my neck to staunch the blood flow. It soon became obvious she had been studying first aid. Hphmm. The St. John's Ambulance men would have been proud. She rubbed my limbs to increase circulation. She chafed my cold hands with hers to warm them. She transfigured my robe into a thick blanket and wrapped me like a mummy, holding her small body next to mine, giving me her warmth.
Then she did something most un-St. John's Ambulance-like. She kissed me over and over on my forehead with dry, chapped lips, pleading for me to stay with her, to please, please not die. Her tears watered my forehead as she held me tenderly, begging me to stay with her.
Sometime later Fawkes arrived. Granger wept along with the phoenix as its healing tears dropped over my hideous wound, cleansing it and purifying it to heal. He stayed with us until some unheard call drew him away. Even thus, the phoenix tears had not been enough.
Still I hovered in and out of death. Granger's magic began to weaken as she cast healing spell after healing spell on me. She sent her Patronus to the castle over and over. "Hurry to the shack... Please help me... I need help NOW... If anyone is alive, please come to the Shrieking Shack... Someone please come..."
Even her Patronus looked weary. I saw her lose hope when no one came to her rescue, and she looked down at my failing body, a look of absolute desperation on her face.
She took a deep breath and whispered, "I hope I have enough strength left to do this. I can't let you go without trying, Severus. Please stay with me..."
With tears streaming down her face, Granger gathered the last of her fading magical strength, and I could see it swirl and gather around us. It started narrowly at the top of her range and spread out over us, like a cone of protection. When she had gathered every last ounce of her magic, she drew it into herself and shouted, "Invenio etanimo serveturus!"
She pointed her wand at my heart, and I saw my lifeless body jerk in her arms. A bright white light flashed around us, and I watched myself take a long agonized breath. Granger almost collapsed on top of me, her magic and energy so depleted that for a moment there was no magical signature. She wept with relief, huge, braying sobs of exhaustion. "It's okay, Severus," she said, between hiccoughing sobs. "You're going to be fine. I'm here. I won't leave you."
After what seemed like another eternity, Potter and Weasley and the Aurors found us and helped her to take me to the Infirmary. Hermione held them at wandpoint until they swore a Wizarding oath not to harm me or take me anywhere else but Hogwarts. Seeing Aurors only served to remind me I was just a step away from Azkaban, and Granger had brought me back to all this.
I pulled out of her mind as ruthlessly and as callously as I had invaded it, stunned at what she'd done. Granger staggered back into her chair, a thin line of blood trickling from her nose. I knew I should apologise for raping her mind so mercilessly, but I was too unnerved to do anything but turn away from her to do battle with my thoughts.
Yes, Granger had brought me back from the dead, but she'd nearly killed herself to do it. And the worst part, oh yes, there was something even worse than everything put together. She'd done it for love. Granger was in love with me. Oh, it didn't get any better than this. Love, the most binding, powerful source of magic on earth, according to Dumbledore. And Granger had just bound my soul to hers to ground me here on earth. She had bound it with love. I was doomed.
I am ashamed to admit that I gave her unholy hell for it. My own anger stunned me, choked all utterance, and it was several seconds before I was able to speak. I more than made up for my silence when I once again found my voice. I turned on her and unleashed hell.
"You stupid, stupid little girl!" I roared, feeling a perverse pleasure in seeing her cower from my rage. "Do you even know what that spell means? Do you have the smallest inkling as to what you've done?"
"I...I wanted to save you," she stammered, cowering as if from a physical blow. "I'd been reading up on Sanctum spells while we were on the run, you know, in case one of us was mortally wounded..."
"In case you ever decide to hold someone's soul for ransom for the rest of their miserable life?" I was spitting in fury. "How dare you try to steal my soul, you little jumped up Muggle-born, pain-in-the-arse excuse for a witch?"
"Severus, what is the meaning of this row?" Poppy parted the curtain to my section of the ward, alarmed at the vitriol spewing from me. "The whole infirmary can hear you! Not to mention the fact that I must remind you that you are still recovering from a very dangerous wound and I can't be held responsible..."
"I'll tell you who's responsible!" I shouted, pointing at Granger. "This little fool has used the Invenio etanimo serveturus spell to bring me back from the bloody dead! Now I'm beholden to this stupid bint for the rest of my miserable excuse of a life!"
"Professor, please!" Granger was all but crying my name. She looked desperately from Poppy to me, a horrified expression in her eyes. "You were dying. I was only trying to help..."
"I wanted to die, you silly, stupid girl!" My rage was blowing sweet and hot through my belly, and I was just getting warmed up. "I was there with my beautiful Lily, and you yanked me back to this hellhole of an existence by capturing my soul? Why didn't you just make yourself into a Horcrux, you moronic bitch?"
"That is ENOUGH!" Poppy shouted. "You will calm yourself, Severus, or I will give you the strongest Calming Draught you have ever made for me! I am sure Miss Granger had her reasons for using such an extreme method of ensuring your safety..."
"Oh, and just what were your reasons, Miss Granger?" I spat out her name as if it were the most loathsome of curses. "Care to share with us this lofty justification? No?" I countered, as she remained silent, her eyes huge and filling with tears. I went for the kill, enjoying the feeling of hurting her.
"Well let me tell you something, Miss Granger," I said, my voice dropping to a lower, silker timbre, the voice that I had only just used to cajole and seduce. Now I used it to destroy.
"You will never own my soul. It belongs to my beloved Lily, and no matter how smart you think you are, or how clever or how noble, you are nothing but a slag compared to her! You're less than the dung from her shoe to me. Now get out of my sight, you pathetic, sad little piece of Muggle-born trash."
The room was too quiet. The silence was all encompassing and had its own deafening tone. Finally, in a quiet voice I had never heard her use, Poppy said, "Oh, Severus. How could you? I don't know how you can say such things to someone who has done nothing but care for you."
She shook her head. "I have never been so ashamed of you in the entire time I have ever known you, and that's saying something after this past year. Miss Granger has never left your side since she brought you here..."
"No, Madam Pomfrey, please." Granger was looking at me calmly. The skin around her lips had gone white, as if she'd been physically smacked and was still in shock from the blow. She looked into my eyes and I saw a pain that matched mine, without any of my vindictiveness. I only saw guilt and remorse and crushing sadness. She thought carefully before she spoke.
"My reasons for what I've done shouldn't be used to make anyone feel guilty or beholden to me, especially Professor Snape."
She turned to me, her eyes bleak with hurt. "I wanted to save you. I thought you would be free from Voldemort, from Professor Dumdledore, even. I never thought you would think of me like one of them. Another master to serve. I will make this right, Professor, and then I'll never bother you again. You'll never have to be reminded of this ever." She turned, and the first tears spilled. "I'm so sorry. Gods, I'm so sorry."
Granger was gone so quickly the whole outburst might have been a dream. I was beginning to wish it had been. The original euphoria of venting my spleen had faded, and I was beginning to feel queasy. My head hurt like billy-o, and Poppy was looking at me like she'd like to finish Nagini's job.
She watched me pensively, like there was a million things she'd like to say to me and only self-control prevented them from coming to me all at once, accompanied by several of her favourite hexes.
She smiled a tight, humourless smile. "Well, Severus, I can tell you are on the mend. I'll leave you to your thoughts. I had hoped that a new lease on life would bring you some joy. I can see that some things are too much to hope for."
She turned to leave, then changed her mind and looked back at me. "Well, don't just sit there." Poppy did a perfect imitation of my trademark sneer. "Snape something."
A/N: To see the beautiful art that inspired this fic, please go to:
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Latest 25 Reviews for Spellbreaker
82 Reviews | 7.63/10 Average
He did get his wish, he just didn't recognize it at first. How wonderful! My favorite thing about this chapter were Severus' thoughts and feelings toward his children. I've even had some of them myself. This was a very satisfying happy ending.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much - I am thrilled you enjoyed it.
I loved the three men bonding over Hermione. I'm pleased that they could all respect each other's feelings for her. And yay, a baby! I have a soft spot for him as a father.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you! <3
Fortunately for you, I can move right on to the next chapter. I didn't want to have to hurt you, lol. I'd never really thought about him not being up to his usual dueling standards after recovery and his comfortable life. Very realistic.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Whew! I have always thought of him as a wicked dualist - I suppose given his background it was get good quick or suffer - but yes, being comfortable can be dangerous.
This Severus is from your early work, and his character isn't quite as fine tuned as what he is today. That is not a negative comment, just that I'm noticing how you've grown as an author. That said, your early work is light years ahead of the average author. And, regardless, there is that core thing that I can't really put into words, something about your writing style and ability to emotionally affect your readers, that has been present from day one. I took such joy in his discovery that he has the ability to love. I wanted to open my window and shout it too. He is certainly fortunate that Hermione has a tendency toward forgiveness.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so very much. I will treasure these words forever. I can't tell you how gratifying your comment is and how much it means to me.
I love how he doesn't even notice as she sneaks her way back into his life. I'd say they made progress by leaps and bounds here. Makes me think something will go wrong soon.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
LOL It wouldn't be real life if it didn't! LOL
Wow, he's angry. And, he is horrid to her, which is understandable to a point, but it makes it that much worse that she doesn't scream at him, or call him out on his over-the-top assessment of her. That she is calm, and apologetic, and mature about it makes his outburst seem so much worse. I hope each can see the others point of view, even if they don't agree.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much - you always give such thoughtful wonderful comments! <3
Oh, the despair rolling off that man in waves is overwhelming. Especially after such joy at having his prayers answered of spending all of eternity with his love. But, I can't be too troubled about it. I have a feeling there is someone waiting to love him eventually;). BTW, was this written for an exchange or fest of some sort? I kind of feel like I've read it, but I didn't review here which is unlike me. No matter. If it's been more than a year since I read something, I will have forgotten how it turns out!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you! Actually, this was the first fanfic I ever wrote for SSHG, waaaaaay back in 2010, I think. It's collecting Social Security by now, but it's really nice to have some comments on it. <3
Absolutely gorgeous! Loved it!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much! I'm thrilled you enjoyed my first fanfic.
This story wrenched my heart in all the right places (which is totally a good thing).
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much, sweetie, for such kind words for my first fanfic. I'm sorry it took so longer to answer - I just realised that a lot of my TPP review notifications were going into spam - I had no idea they were here.
Yes, yes. I went back and read this chapter again. Severus is so fortunate to be loved by such a strong and giving woman and such a powerful witch. Imagine if Lavender Brown had been the person who loved him and had tried to save him. Well, poor Lavender would have probably not been able to pull it off, at any rate.
If Severus hadn't been able to have seen Hermione's soul as a result of her returning his, he would probably have never believed or understood how much he is loved. How very fortunate he is that she hasn't given up on him and that she figured out how to give him his soul back. I suppose having some of his soul in her would make it fairly impossible for her to give up on him completely, no matter that he is a right bastard.
It's also fortunate that Poppy knows him so well and knows how much he suffered as he spent years sacrificing his life for others. Though those good deeds were only known to a few they sowed the seeds of his redemption by earning him the loyalty of someone like Poppy Pomfrey. Though Poppy didn't leave him to his own devices like the other healers, as an old friend, she must have been mighty tempted to slap him silly for his own good. We all can't help but love him, can we. JKR really missed the mark when she killed him off for good. Silly girl! Lucky for us it gave wonderful authors like yourself fodder for happier endings and the need to make it right. How empty life was before fan fiction for the lonely and home bound. Thank you.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you for such a powerful message. When I started this story, I honestly didn't think I had any fanfiction story to tell - I had read so many good (and not so good) stories by then, I honestly didn't think I had anything more to add to them. It was only Sempra's challenge to write something based on her art that enabled me to re-discover my Muse, Dahlra, who gave me this story in a matter of days. I wrote it over the course of three days, then sent it to her. She liked it, and suggested I post it. It was a story about redemption and finding love and the joining of the soul, but it was actually the story of me finding this spiritual Muse who had been with me and accepting him.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you for such a powerful message. When I started this story, I honestly didn't think I had any fanfiction story to tell - I had read so many good (and not so good) stories by then, I honestly didn't think I had anything more to add to them. It was only Sempra's challenge to write something based on her art that enabled me to re-discover my Muse, Dahlra, who gave me this story in a matter of days. I wrote it over the course of three days, then sent it to her. She liked it, and suggested I post it. It was a story about redemption and finding love and the joining of the soul, but it was actually the story of me finding this spiritual Muse who had been with me and accepting him.
After I went to look at the wonders that are the galleries of Sepraseverus, I came back and read the chapter again. It is truly worth savoring more than once.
I appreciate and admire Hermione's offering of trust by inviting Severus back into her mind after the first time when he viciously tore it to pieces.
I suppose that Severus' proclamations of love goes some way to mending the verbal rending of Hermione's character when he first found out what she had done. I'm sure that Hermione is quite satisfied in the outcome, but I will personally feel more respect for the Severus in this story after he humbly begs her to forgive him for saying all of the mean and hateful things he said to her, the names he called her and the way he cruelly assassinated her character. I expect she will say it is unnecessary, but for the sake of his own self respect and as becoming a "proper man" in the Old Fashioned English sense of the word, I think it is something that will eventually need to be done. I'm thinking in the sense of the H. Rider Haggard "Allen Quatermaine" archetype. I know Severus Snape is not suppose to be an Allen Quatermain or gentlemanly. His snarky dark side is part of what we find so very sexy about the man. It's just that the style of your writing in this story reminded me of the first person style of writing Haggard uses in his stories.
It's safe to say I'll probably read the chapter at least once more. It is quite eloquent and joyful.
I have a question. Since Hermione performed the soul capturing spell on Severus, doesn't that mean they are already essentially mated for life? Would this simply be the consummation portion of the spell? Does this make them magically married?
Well done!!!!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much for your lovely comments. When I set out to write this story, I had no idea what it would be about. I just sat down and started typing. This was the first time I realised I was being 'Muse-driven' as I like to call it, and I was literally letting my Muse tell me what to type. It was a lot like taking dictation. I really appreciate your observations, and looking back, I would have done things differently, but being my first fanfic, I was just too busy trying to get up the nerve to hit the 'add story' button!I will let you read on further before I make any comments on the soul spell, but thank you so much for taking the time to write this lovely review. I love the Allen Quartermaine comment - thank you so much!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much for your lovely comments. When I set out to write this story, I had no idea what it would be about. I just sat down and started typing. This was the first time I realised I was being 'Muse-driven' as I like to call it, and I was literally letting my Muse tell me what to type. It was a lot like taking dictation. I really appreciate your observations, and looking back, I would have done things differently, but being my first fanfic, I was just too busy trying to get up the nerve to hit the 'add story' button!I will let you read on further before I make any comments on the soul spell, but thank you so much for taking the time to write this lovely review. I love the Allen Quartermaine comment - thank you so much!
She's a good woman! She's a better woman than I am. I would be glad for him that he was pardoned, glad he got his medal, glad people appreciate his sacrifice and that he is free to start over, but I don't know if I would be able to overcome his insults. Even if I didn't hold it against him it would still sting very intensely in my person. I suppose I'm too much like him. I'd be swimming in self pity even if my common sense was telling me that I shouldn't have expected anything else from such a man as he. Will he ever apologize? I know she doesn't care if he does, but if he has any self respect he better beg her to forgive him for all the very mean names he called her. He needs to say out loud that he is ashamed of himself for it and that she never deserved it. She might already be able to know his feelings or maybe she doesn't, but he needs to be a man and make it right if he ever wants to make a better life than he had the first time around. She never did anything to make his life the hell it was nor to cause him to be the bitter man he ended up being. I don't expect him to say he loves her, since he may not realize it yet and it may feel too soon. I just expect him to be humble and admit he recognizes that what he did was horrid and cannot to be glossed over just because he hated his crappy life and himself.
Is Hermione's magical self and her magical strength restored now that she got some rest? I am really enjoying this story and am very into it.
You are really a great story teller!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
I agree I made him a little heavy-handed in this story - it was my first fanfic, and I was still finding my feet as far as how I truly saw him as a character. I have mellowed him out a bit since then, and taken my lead from the great Sempraseverus. Thank you so much for your lovely comments!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
I agree I made him a little heavy-handed in this story - it was my first fanfic, and I was still finding my feet as far as how I truly saw him as a character. I have mellowed him out a bit since then, and taken my lead from the great Sempraseverus. Thank you so much for your lovely comments!
You've done a wonderful job at conveying the feelings of both Severus and Hermione. It brought me to tears. I hope that SOB starts to regret his selfish meanness. Hermione must be utterly broken hearted and feel completely betrayed. She probably wishes she were dead. Since he has to be here anyway, I hope Mr. Snape grows some remorse before it's over. It just made me think of the "I'm an Asshole" song.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
He was a bit of one, wasn't he? My later Severuses are a little more down to earth and pragmatic. I was a little overbearing with his this first time around. I straightened him out by As Morning Falls, though! ;)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
He was a bit of one, wasn't he? My later Severuses are a little more down to earth and pragmatic. I was a little overbearing with his this first time around. I straightened him out by As Morning Falls, though! ;)
Poor Sev! I really hate it when I wish I was dead but I'm not! I truly sympathize with Severus Snape! And what a terrible blow to be dead, think he is getting to be with Lily then finding out he isn't ever going to be with her on top of going back to hell on earth. I'm hoping you are going to take care of his problems, give him someone much smarter and better than Lily Potter and make his life more worth living. I'm ready for a few miracles, Teddy Angel.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you! I think something can be arranged ;)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you! I think something can be arranged ;)
Please tell me you have other stories. I've read all you have here at TPP, but I want more. I love your writing style. I love the way you portray Snape and Hermione. This story in particular is wonderful. Just please tell me there's more somewhere!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so very much! I have the bulk of my fics archived at Ashwinder, but I also plan to move them here in the next few weeks. I'm so glad you enjoy my work! Also, I do a lot of writing at Live Journal, where there is a huge thriving SSHG community, full of work you won't see in any archive. I'd love for you to join us there as well!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so very much! I have the bulk of my fics archived at Ashwinder, but I also plan to move them here in the next few weeks. I'm so glad you enjoy my work! Also, I do a lot of writing at Live Journal, where there is a huge thriving SSHG community, full of work you won't see in any archive. I'd love for you to join us there as well!
What a beautiful story! Congratulations for an incredible job, It was a pleasure to read such a well writen fic! I hope you keep writing new ones =] Kisses
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
I am so very sorry to be so late in responding to this lovely comment. I somehow told TPP not to notify me of any reviews, and it's only been lately that I've becoming more active here again and saw this. Please forgive me for my tardiness, and thank you for such a lovely encouraging review.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
I am so very sorry to be so late in responding to this lovely comment. I somehow told TPP not to notify me of any reviews, and it's only been lately that I've becoming more active here again and saw this. Please forgive me for my tardiness, and thank you for such a lovely encouraging review.
A very lovely fic. Thanks for sharing!
I love this story every time I read it. I love Severus being in love with his son and his son being in love with him. I love how you entitled chapter 2 -- it always makes me laugh. I love Severus' internal dialogue; it is sooo Snapey.Thanks so much for writing it and sharing it. You have made my day many times.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
And you have just returned the favour! You have sooooo made my day with this lovely review. Thank you so much. Your kind words mean more than I can ever say.
Wow. For a first story, this is amazing. You told it straight, and to the point. Nothing unnecessary was in there - you did it all at a very fast pace, but in that fast pace was a balance of a wonderful plot with your fantastic writing, and your humour. This last chapter was so heartfelt, I found myself smiling the whole way through it. I love his descriptions of how he feels about his children - as well as his wife. I wonder if you have children, because I don't, not even close, but I'm sure that's what it would feel like to be proud of them. Your writing is so utterly believable, and that is what I love about it.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much for your encouragement and your lovely feedback. Nothing is so rewarding than knowing someone has enjoyed what you have written. Actually, I don't have children, but my husband does, and I know how proud he is of them, and how I've come to understand that. We actually did a podfic of this story, with him reading (he has a lovely speaking voice - very British), and this was used for a friend who loves fanfic but can no longer read due to a brain tumour, so it means a lot to me to know this story, which was written with so much nervousness and hope, still has appeal. Thank you again for your kind words. Teddy Radiator
Response from magicalpresence (Reviewer)
That's wonderful - I'm actually British! That's such a lovely thing to do for somebody. I love how fanfic brings people together :)The fact that you don't have children just makes your ability to write even better. You really are one of my favourites :) (I realise that I've most likely stalked your stories recently - I'm not strange, really, I just have fallen in love with the way you write, and so have been reading absolutely everything you've done!)
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much - I love streaders (stalker readers!) Seriously, I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know. I love to write. I write original erotic fiction as well, and I love to write and read fanfiction, so when someone enjoys my writing - I'm just over the moon. I always tell folks who take the time to write a review that I am grateful for any feedback, and your lovely encouragement is music to my ears (and don't worry, I stalk several other authors myself, so we are probably sneaking around the same houses, so to speak!)
Response from magicalpresence (Reviewer)
Hahaha streaders! Brilliant. Well, I shall carry on reviewing as I go through your wonderful stories - it is nice to have somebody to speak back to.
Oh that's so fantastic! I was beginning to think this wouldn't end well, YAY for Severus!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much!
Oh, Bad Severus!! Poor Hermione, he really went for her!!
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
LOL, yes, he was having a very bad day!! :)
It was a wonderful story. Thank you for writing such an absolutely amazing one. I look forward to the next story.
What a beautiful story.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you so much - I'm really glad you enjoyed it.
What a wonderful first fanfic. You've given it a fine blend of angst and humour, with heaps of love. And all in the first person narrative - which can be very tricky . Well done.
Response from TeddyRadiator (Author of Spellbreaker)
Thank you. The Muse was whispering in my ear the entire time (he does that because he knows I can't resist his sexy accent!) I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I have a new on the queue, so I hope you'll enjoy this one as well.