New Chapter for Fountain of ?
Fountain of ?
Rose of the West10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
The Krum children give their parents a special trip for a fiftieth anniversary present. Despite many warnings, Hermione and Viktor test the local waters, with interesting results. Warning: embarrassed adult children
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About Rose of the West
Rose of the West
Member Since 2008 | 60 Stories | Favorited by 40 | 707 Reviews Written | 1,261 Review Responses
Reviews for Fountain of ?
Loved it. Thanks so much. You did a wonderful job.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
Thank you. I'm no
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
, but I hope I was a decent fill in. Glad to see you back on line!
Oh poor them. But then, they don't seem too fussed over it. At that age, with several kids on board, she will be up to use the bathroom everytime the baby needs to eat anyway, LOL. It's good to see them still in love after so many years. They aren't a couple that I usually care to explore, but there is something endearing about their relationship. Nicely done.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
Thank you! There's a sweetness in this pairing that we don't find elsewhere, I think. I suspect that she's either mellowed her attitudes about house-elves or they work at her house for wages by this point in her life. I hope there's plenty of help when she wants it!
Snort, this was cute. But I wouldn't want to be pregnant at that age no matter how long my life expectancy was.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
LOL! I was thinking of the wizarding 70-something being like the Muggle 40-something, and I can report that it wasn't that bad, although there are days of being 40-something with a toddler when I do wish I was *much* younger.Thanks, m'dear!
LOL! Yeah, one would wonder what was in that water. ;) And bonus points for embarassing the bossy daughter! ;)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
Thank you! I created that daugher and then realized she's part Hermione, part Percy Weasley (where did that come from?) and part myself. ~shudders at discovering inner Percy Weasley~
So adorably sweet.... thank you.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
Thank you! I think there's a sweetness to this pairing that she doesn't have with other leading men.
Response from tenoh27 (Reviewer)
I do agree. While Hermione did not strike me as being overly involved with Viktor during GoF, I found their `romance` extremely sweet and adorable during that book. I just wished Hermione had been written better; ending up with Viktor would have been a million times better than Ron. Thank you.
That's a lovely story. I wonder if they still will be so thrilled when they have to get up in the middle of the night for feeding and nap changing...
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
Thank you! Since there's at least three older kids, I suspect the Hermione in this drabble has long since warmed up to the idea of House-elves? Speaking as a nearly middle-aged mother of a very small one, I will admit it's not ideal, but there are compensations.
Hehe. Embarrassing the kids is SO much fun! :)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
Thank you! LOL, as you may know, some days it's the only thing that makes life worth living. ;>
Nicely done.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
Thank you! It's not a pair I might have done otherwise, but now I'm glad I have.
brilliant, just brilliant
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
Thank you! I enjoyed this very much.
That's something in the water, all right. LOL
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Fountain of ?)
LOL! I don't know if you read the discussion MA and I had about the prompt in the forum; it's almost as good as the story. She was looking at it from a slightly different angle. This is how the bunnies spoke to me, though, because I'm a student of the absurd. Thanks for the review!