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The Final Edit
mia madwyn18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
The first fanfic that entered my head--before I even knew what fanfic was--upon reading the Epilogue.
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About mia madwyn
mia madwyn
Member Since 2007 | 14 Stories | Favorited by 522 | 490 Reviews Written | 4,179 Review Responses
BEST AUTHOR, Moste Potente Potions
Care of Magical Creatures recently received two awards on "Secrets of the Dark Vaults," a Russian fanfic site. Best NC-17 and Best Maxi Translation. The Nine-Year Plan was awarded Best Mini-Fic! I'm delighted to be in translation and to please the readers in Russia!
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With the completion of Care of Magical Creatures my fanfic output is going to slow way down, but if you want to be sure to know when new fics post, please follow me on twitter. I don't tweet much, but I'll surely tweet that kind of thing.
About Mia
I came to the world of Harry Potter relatively early, after first resisting it because it just seemed too trendy. But when the first book came out in paperback in the US I picked it up at the airport when I was about to catch a flight, and two chapters in knew I would be ordering the original from in hardcover as soon as I landed.
I came to fanfic late, waiting until after I'd read DH. That means I've been totally obsessed with the fanfic world of Harry Potter, and most specifically the SS/HG ship, since August of '07.
I'm helplessly and hopelessly hooked.
Reviews for The Final Edit
this so should have happened
as of today, my personal canon
I wish this had happened in the book, it would have been amazing.
LOL. Cute. :)
Loooovveeee it! Thanks for letting us in on the rewrite.
I love it! Makes me smile!
Naw, how sweet :-)
Perfect! (I hope Vernon wasn't around when the owl arrived with little Tuney's letter. Grandpa's conniption fit might have been hard to explain . . . ).
I think my final edit would involve Severus somehow living happily ever after I just couldn't believe... but you know. :) This, however, is brilliant and fills my (not very often fulfilled by the way) hunger for Dudley Grows Up tales -- you know, the ones where he gets over being the schoolyard bully. Thanks Mia!
Niiice! I like that ending a lot better than JKR's. I've seen variations on this theme at different archives so I think others do as well. ^_^
My first fanfic (on FFN) runs along very similar lines. I love the premise, and I like the way you've presented it here. As you say, Ron and Harry were surprised, but we readers probably aren't. Fun!
Oh yes! *squee* I would have love for the book to end like that.
Perfect! Absolutely perfect! :)
It would so be in there if she had had the wit to think of it.
Yes this is a surprise. Good job.
*grins* That would have been a lovely addition, indeed.
Ah. lovely!
Love it! I think Jo meant to write that. :)