New Chapter for On His Knees
On His Knees
Keppiehed4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Winner of Mod's Choice at PtterPronPrmpts! Peter has a secret he can't let the others know about.
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About Keppiehed
Member Since 2009 | 74 Stories | Favorited by 55 | 47 Reviews Written | 685 Review Responses
Reviews for On His Knees
This was pretty good and I don't really care for Pettigrew all that much.
Even poor, faceless 'everymen' need love too.
You really have a gift for setting the scene too. It's one of the reasons I like really your writing despite the Slash.
Nice! ^_^
Author's Response: Thank you!
I know that Pettigrew isn't a popular character, and that you don't even like slash, but I appreciate you giving this one a read. You always say such nice things; I always look forward to your reviews. Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate them very much!
Could it be the reason he tuned his back to them. After years of hurt feelings and frustration he has enough and decided by going to Voldy he may have them?
Response from Keppiehed (Author of On His Knees)
I know! I realized that even though no one likes Peter, there was a lot about him that we don't know, and that the reason for his betrayals was possibly very emotional in cause. So, this little picture gave me a chance to kind of put that out there.I'm glad you gave it a chance, even if he isn't a very popular character to read about! Thank you!
I've never really liked Pettigrew much. He's always been portrayed as sleazy. This piece made me feel quite sorry for him, and perhaps even empathise with him a bit. Good job.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of On His Knees)
Thank you, I really appreciate the compliment. It wasn't easy to write the sleazeball, but I am glad that you could see where I was coming from. He had to have been good at SOMEpoint, I would assume? Anyway, I really do appreciate your reading this when he isn't too popular. Thank you very much!
Well, I must admit that Petter Pettigrew and smut don't usually play nicely in my world. But how can I resist the siren call of another Keppiehed work of art? So here I am feeling sad rather than nauseated. Because first it would be really hard to spend so much time with your close friends, all the while secretly fantasizing about them, but knowing nothing would ever come of it. And then for noone to even notice that he was gone? No wonder the guy turned bad. Great stuff, as always!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of On His Knees)
Whenever I am able to make you feel a little nauseated after a story, I consider that a compliment! *snerks* When did I get to this place in my career? It's true though. I was the only one in the challenge who chose him to write (and for good reason, he is pretty gross). But there has to be a lot of opportunity for inner angst brewing under there. Actually, once I started writing I was kind of bummed that I hit my word limit so fast! I tacked on the quick smut, but that one might have made an interesting longer story. Peter is rather unexplored. I'm glad that for a little drabble, you liked it, even if it was weird and different!
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
I am shocked that I am going to say this, but I agree that it might have made an interesting longer story. Maybe you can come out with the director's cut or something. I find that as long as it is tastefully done, weird and different can be a good thing!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of On His Knees)
Step one in the process: complete. *glees* Can you feel yourself turning? The call of the darkside sounds sweeter every day, doesn't it? I predict that by this time next year you will personally be begging me for a slashy panty-wearing Harry trash-talking Ron. Muahahahaha! Behold, your future!