New Chapter for To Regain Glory
To Regain Glory
phoenix30 Reviews | 30 Ratings, 0 Likes, 41 Favorites )
Lucius Malfoy, patriarch of a dysfunctional family, tries to regain what he had before the war. Unfortunately, Draco's goals do not match his, and he does everything in his power to mould his son into the ideal pure-blood. Is it too little, too late?
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for To Regain Glory
In a way, I feel Draco and Hermione got the short end of the stick since this mess was all of his father's creation. Lucius ordered Draco to court and marry Hermione. When his plans were circumvented and undermined, he gave harsh reprimands.
I felt entirely sorry for Hermione. She thought herself inadequete because her husband, whom she thought was once in love with each other, stopped paying attention to her.
I'm sure if Draco ever finds out that Lucius also cheated with his wife, and Lucius never got villified...well. Both Draco and Phaedra should have been more careful. Couldn't they have had a secret house, flat, or something? It's like he wanted to be found out (after all, they were in Lucius' house).
Of course, Lucius didn't have to be so vengeful, but he is still the head of the Malfoy family..thus all the power. I didn't imagine him ever coming with such a solution as an ancient archiac law of switching wives. I mean, I foresaw them possibly going on as before, but in private Draco and Phaedra would be together, and Lucius and Hermione would do the same. While in public, they'd be with their respectful spouses. That way they'd all keep their reputations. Or the option I foresaw was divorce which probably would have been scandelous and drawn out. I can definitely say that Lucius is a very vindictive person and if he didn't care about Hermione, I'm sure she'd be in a similar situation as Draco (or maybe not since she is still friends with Hermione).
I was shocked that Draco was cheating, but what I thought was worse was not being upfront about it and he deceived her about getting pregnant. To such an extent that she thought she might have permanantly been barren by taking contraceptive potions!! That I find is horrifying and unforgivable. I mean once Lucius and Phaedra announced their engagement, couldn't he have given Hermione a child? I find it despicable that he couldn't be upfront and honest with his wife, but he can be do so with his lover. And he deceived Hermione into thinking he was in love with her to such an extent that she married him! If he didn't want to marry her, then he should have had more of a backbone and stood up to his father!
I'm entirely disappointed in everyone, most of all Lucius and Draco. Maybe it's the Malfoy genes that make them behave such despicable ways? (LOL - As opposed to the Black genes being weak according to Lucius.)
I've enjoyed reading this story and it's very well written! =)
Great job! I loved it; but now of course, I have to go find the next story and read Hermione's reactions!! Again, wonderful, wonderful writing.~Jen
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks. I'm glad you really enjoyed it. the fun part of this trilogy was to write each part with a different person's perspective. I hadn't planned it that way, but once it occured to me it seemed the perfect thing to do.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks. I'm glad you really enjoyed it. the fun part of this trilogy was to write each part with a different person's perspective. I hadn't planned it that way, but once it occured to me it seemed the perfect thing to do.
Another great chapter!! I can't wait to see what develops between the mismatched couples. Again, wonderful job!~Jen
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks. :DMismatched is the perfect term for them. Really, brings disfunctional to a whole new level. LOL
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks. :DMismatched is the perfect term for them. Really, brings disfunctional to a whole new level. LOL
I feel bad for Hermione, but I love this story so far! Wonderful job!~Jen
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks. I really liked how this trilogy turned out. Hermione really did get the raw end of the deal here at the beginning, didn't she? I'm glad you are enjoying it.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks. I really liked how this trilogy turned out. Hermione really did get the raw end of the deal here at the beginning, didn't she? I'm glad you are enjoying it.
Nice ending, one with the possibility of a beginning... I wonder how Hermione is going to take this?
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
I liked how this one ended. It was enough to get a sense of closure, but also left you with the curiosity of wanting to know what happened when the news was fully disclosed. :D I know that you've read the follow, so you know the answer to the second part.
Another good chapter; although, I am surprised that Lucius has never suspected Draco and his new wife. I feel so bad for Hermione, she is the one trying to do the right thing and in the end she loses out altogether.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Well, something tells me that Lucius has his mind on something else. <eg> Poor Hermione just got thrust into the wrong place at the wrong time.
Great story... I feel sorry for Hermione; although, I got the feeling that Draco wasn't sleeping with her when he said "I'm not sleeping with a Mudblood" just before the Anniversary Ball.What will happen??
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Well, that was in a flashback, but then again, he is Draco, so you can imagine how little he would change. :D
LM/HG is my favourite couple aside from SS/HG. I have an older guy issue I think... but this was great... I am now off to read the other one.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
LOL Nothing wrong with an older guy issue. I'm glad you enjoyed this. I have found that there are most definitely not enough LM/HG fics out there and I'm doing my best to provide some outlet for this pairing. Now I just need to sit down and really figure out how to tackle the final chapter in this trilogy. :D
A very complex & interesting story.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks, Kira. It was fun for me to write because it's kind of light-hearted and soap opera-esque, which does lend to complexity. I saw you've found the other one and are reading that. I hope to post more soon, tyring to wrap it all up.
Ah, perfect. I'm quite glad with the ending. :) Excellent work.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Wasn't that a great ending? What was Draco thinking that he could out-Slytherin is father? Well, he certainly learned who not to mess with, didn't he?
Ah, man, Lucius married her! LOL Is the baby for Draco? Teehee. Poor Hermione. Rejection must be hard for her to take, especially with the "hysterical" pregnancy hormones.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Poor, Lucius, had no idea what he was getting into for once. It just proves that even he is not perfect. As for Hermione, yup, her hormones are not her ally. LOL
Draco is a jerk! I figured it was her that he was seeing. I'm moving along to the next chapter. I hope Lucius figures this out before he marries that girl.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
I am so glad that everyone sees Draco as a jerk in this one. I tried really hard to make him just about as despicable as I could. LOL Of course, that will make his episode more difficult in the end, but I'll manage.
I really hate Draco in this story. He is foul and I am so pleased that Lucius made sure that his not so devoted son paid for actions. After all had he not been such a pig to Hermione she would never have needed…comfort…for his father. But let us face facts here shall we? Why would you want the boy when the man is there waiting for you?! Well he acted like a spoilt boy most of the time. You would never guess I play Narcissa in a RPG from reading that would you? Haha Another fantastic story which I enjoyed as much as the first one I read of yours today. Thank you for writing my favourite pairing again and you can be sure I shall await the sequel to this one which you mentioned in reply to my other review. Hope that all made sense. It’s nearly 2am and I should be asleep instead of reading all your brilliant stories! Thank you once again and do keep writing them as you do them so very well. ~KC
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thank you very much, KC. It all made perfect sense to me. Yup, Draco was a real git in this one and he definitely got what he deserved. I thought this would be a fun and interesting take on getting Lucius and Hermione together, a pairing I have really grown to adore. I am
or actually
trying to get the sequel sorted out. Once I think I'm close enough to the end, I'll probably start posting it. It might be a bit longer than this one, but pretty close. I loved this one because this Lucius is different from the one in Redemption, but still so much fun. I love how manipulative he is in this series.
Yay! Lucius isn't a Slytherin for nothing. But you can't leave it like this. Yes, I demand at least an epilogue. Please?Draco and Phaedra got what they deserved though. While Lucius did sleep with Hermione, Draco and his own wife had been lieing to him for years, so I don't think it's the same thing.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
. He did prove he is worthy of being a Slytherin, didn't he?
You are not the first person to mention to me that while Lucius and Draco were basically guilty of the same thing, they felt Draco got what he deserved and felt Lucius had been victimized. Amazing how the point of view can do that. Though, as you said, Draco and Phaedra had been at it for years.
As for a sequel, my muses and plot bunnies have ganged up on me and informed me that you are correct, I can't leave it like that. Though, not everyone may be happy with how it starts.
Response from ancientgirl (Reviewer)
Well, if it doesn't start off "happy" then I can live with that. I hope it ends happy though, that's the important thing.I imagine it would be hard for Hermione to deal with what Draco has been doing and I can only assume she would feel she'd been used. Even though Lucius seems to really care for her, he did use her to a certain degree as well.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Well, hopefully her reaction will live up to your expectations. I think the fact we both had some of the same ideas means that Hermione is going to behave in canon.
Response from ancientgirl (Reviewer)
To me it isn't so much a canon reaction as it would be a realistic one. I'm really looking forward to what comes next.
fantastic plot. i thought at first it was going to turn out to be a puff piece, but your story really hooked me in. cant wait to read the rest. kate
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks, Kate. I'm glad it turned out to be something other than fluff. I did start a different Draco/Hermione piece that was going to be fairly fluffy, but I don't think my muses like pure fluff. I hope you enjoy the rest of it.
I would love to be a fly on the wall of the Conservatory, I hope Hermione gives Draco Hell.A brilliant little story, that I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Conavone, you may be getting your wish. I've started putting together ideas for a sequel, and that is the likely starting point.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was nice for me to write a short fic for once.
"Less talking, more sex"? I think I melted into a puddle. I am a diehard Lucius fan. *sigh* I love this soap opera... I'm voting for a trilogy. I'll be sending my muse over to nudge yours. Get writing ==>
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks for the vote of more of this story, I think.
Seriously, though, I don't mind people encouraging my muses. It's good for them.
Wasn't that a great line? I really loved that one. And of course, I picture the incredibly handsome and sexy Jason Isaacs saying that. Can an author make herself melt into a puddle? And why isn't that one of our smileys?
Response from notsosaintly (Reviewer)
There were a couple lines I loved. That one made me for sure.
(thanks for the emoticon)
Ah, you know, when people beg me for sequels, sometimes it's a good thing and sometimes... well, sometimes I just like to move on to other things. But this style of soap opera-type writing appealed to me so much. And I never watch the things, so I'm a bit stunned at this self-revelation. I'm not gonna fight it. Nope.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Glad you liked the emoticon. It was quite the search for me to find the little guy. I knew I had seen it on some board I frequent, but I had to go find it.
I had initially had a happy ending epilogue, but it was too saccharin for me. I reworked that into the start of the sequel. Since I think this one will be as short as the original, I'll probably want to finish it up over the next week or so before it starts getting posted.
Don't worry, it will have the same soap operatic feel. Honestly, I haven't watched them for 20 years.
Hmm...I'm suspecting something here, but I won't say what. All I hope is Lucius finds out fast. It's sad to know that he seems to prefer being with Hermione and can't because his son is married to her. It's a bad situation all around. I do hope when he finds out he throws his son and wife out of there with nothing.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Well, soon enough you'll find out if your suspicions are correct. We all know Lucius is the type of man who gets what he wants. After all, he joined Voldemort twice and was able to regain face twice. Let's see what he can do with this situation.
Let's just say, I would not want to be Draco if his little secret ever gets out.
Response from ancientgirl (Reviewer)
Well all I can say is you better write faster missy! I'm on the edge of my seat!
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks. I'm giving the next chapter a final runthrough and will be submitting it very soon :)
Oh, what intricacies are woven within the Malfoy Manor. I cannot wait for the next intallment. I'm hoping Hermione will give in to the carnal pleasures of the older Malfoy. *swoon*
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thanks. I didn't put in the notes here, but the phrase "They're a Jerry Springer sort of family" keeps running through my mind, though non-Americans might not get that reference. It is a nasty intricate web there at the Manor. I'm glad you enjoyed the Soap Opera comment. Really, I swear, I don't watch them. Last one I saw was about 20 years ago.
As for Hermione giving in to Malfoy Sr, well, she is being ignored by the younger.
Response from notsosaintly (Reviewer)
LOL!! I just had to share that with you.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
I totally love that smiley.
Draco you RAT! Not only is he messing around behind Hermione's back, but he's messing around with his future step mother! I hope Lucius finds out soon. Which would be better, since I think Lucius would be better suited to be with Hermione.
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
. Draco really is a rat in this one, isn't he? Lucius most definitely will not be a happy man if he finds out what his son is doing. I'll be submitting the next chapter soon so you can see what happens next.
Aren't they smart, these Malfoys? As for continuing with others' points of view, I'm sure Draco has something in his sleeves that turns thsi situation into his advantage. He's a Malfoy after all -- and a Black, somethign Lucius seems to underestimate.
Really good! I didn't expected that end. Kisses =]
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thank you. This one was a lot of fun to write and I just loved that little twist at the end. It was just so very Slytherin. LOL I know this is a pretty late response to a review, but there are two more follow on stories to this one: The Price of Glory and Fallen from Glory (to be read in that order).
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thank you. This one was a lot of fun to write and I just loved that little twist at the end. It was just so very Slytherin. LOL I know this is a pretty late response to a review, but there are two more follow on stories to this one: The Price of Glory and Fallen from Glory (to be read in that order).
This is very good and very naughty... I like!
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Thaks. This one was a lot of fun to write and even more so when you get to make up wizarding products for sexual pleasure. LOL
I think that that law was very realistic, for all the reasons you have listed. I don't agree with it, but I am sure that men, once upon a time(and even some men now), would consider a law like that a wonderful thing. I loved this story and can't wait to started reading the next one. I went to read the sequel and it said that this one should be read first, so I am moving on to the next part of this saga. You did a wonderful job keeping everyone in character!
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
Response from phoenix (Author of To Regain Glory)
. I don't agree with the law either, but it just came to me in a stroke of brilliance. Given how male centered societies have been throughout the ages, I thought it would be perfect. I hope that you enjoy the sequel as much as this one. My beta and I are hashing out. I'm glad you enjoyed the characterizations. I know that Draco the git here doesn't seem like the sort that Hermione would have married, but that would be another story. One I'm not sure I'll be telling.