New Chapter for After the Game
After the Game
Keppiehed6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Draco is in a foul mood when Pansy catches him in the showers. Guess who comes out on top? Our favorite Slytherin bad boy stays true to his nature in this one.
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About Keppiehed
Member Since 2009 | 74 Stories | Favorited by 55 | 47 Reviews Written | 685 Review Responses
Reviews for After the Game
Well now, Keppiehed. This was a surprise. No wonder you like my naughty Lucius so much! My, how I love those Malfoys.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of After the Game)
Hehehe... I was trying my best to win over at PtterPronPrmpts, but to no avail. I think that people don't like the Malfoys when they show a little bit of bite, but I prefer them with their original hint of evil. I wasn't kidding when I said I loved your Lucius! I think we are reminding fandom that they still have claws. Yum! Thanks for giving it a read!
Gads, what an arsehole he was too her! Pans should pick someone else to care about. On the flip side, it was a intriguing read - even if Draco was a prick.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of After the Game)
Haha! He WAS a big jerk! I thought it was time that Draco got his bite back a little. He has that potential to be such an ass. I'm glad it didn't put you off too much, though. Thanks for reading it anyway, and for leaving your review!
Well, if there are two things that I despise, it is jerky men, and weak women. I do think this is a possible side of Draco, thinking he is hot stuff and can treat women however he pleases.Now that we have that business out of the way, I love the dynamic between them. I think the shower scene is really hot, if I just pretend that they are a couple playing these roles willingly, rather than reality being what it is.So, yummy, yummy smut that Draco does NOT deserve!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of After the Game)
Draco is always getting stuff he doesn't deserve! And as far as Pansy goes, she strikes me as the sort of girl who would only cave in to him, but terrorize everyone else endlessly. I kind of liked this harder edge, but this contest was for smut only, and not much room for plot or character development. I'm glad you thought it was hot, even if it rubbed you the wrong way!
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
I don't want Draco rubbing me the right or wrong way! Now some other folks... *blushes and focuses back on task at hand*Really though, I think that is why I keep reading your stuff; It always causes extreme emotion. It doesn't matter if it is disgust, or anger, or hilarity, or naughtiness, or any other variety of feelings. So whether it causes a positive or negative reaction from me, I think it is well done if it strongly evokes something.I suppose I also read because you are such a delight to converse with, and if I just stopped reviewing, that would be an automatic win for you in our ongoing duel, and I will not stop until my dearest Ron has you in is arms. *smiles watching you fantasize about that*
Response from Keppiehed (Author of After the Game)
Well, I can't very well let you have the last word on that one, can I? I will admit that I enjoy our exchanges, but as for fantasizing about Ron...? The only thing I dream about doing to him is whacking him right up alongside his thick head!
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
That sounds like a blatent innuendo... but I'll let it go ;)
bloody draco >.<i want a sequel so pansy can give him hell ;D
Response from Keppiehed (Author of After the Game)
I like to think that Pansy liked her Draco like that, but he certainly deserves a payback!Thanks for your review!
Uh, how do I say this nicely?
I hate that bastard.
Yeah, thats it.
Kid needs a serious incident to happen to him!
Author's Response: Oh NOOO! I am seeing flames now for sure! Well, I thought it was time we saw an evil!Draco again... he's been getting kind of soft in recent literature. This showed a bit of his edge. Sorry you didn't like it. I know he was a meanie, but he had to be like that this time. If it makes you feel better, I didn't win the competetion. But I did think he was in character!
EdgeOfDark's response: Oh! I did like it!
And I felt Draco was really in character. (Always hated that maggot!)
Just riled my feelings about how to treat a woman!
Congrats on winning the competetion! ^_^
Author's Response: No, I didn't win the competition. That's okay! I'm sorry you don't like Malfoy; I always thought he was a character worth exploring a little more. He has a lot of sides to him. In this case, he was a good bully!
LOVE! Well done.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of After the Game)
AWW! *blushes and squishes you* Thank you most kindly!
Response from _Levicorpus_ (Reviewer)
Seriously!! I'm always so captivated by stories that actually recreate canon. You didn't need to turn Draco into a secretly tortured, secretly senseitive guy to write the story. He stayed a prat. GAH SO PERFECT!