New Chapter for I Loved You First
I Loved You First
MsTree17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Chapters (1)
About MsTree
Member Since 2007 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 106 | 999 Reviews Written | 918 Review Responses
A citizen of Calontir, living in the State of Misery, located north of Are-Kansas and south of Iowewaytoomuch. Writer of fiction who reads more than is healthy for her and owned by two terrors... I mean, terriers. ^_^
Reviews for I Loved You First
Extremely touching and well written. I had tears in my eyes from the beginning. If you wanted to stir an emotion, you succeeded perfectly. Thank you very much for sharing this little gem.
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you so much! I loved the song when I first heard it on the radio and thought of how it would make such a beautiful story, especially the way Arthur dotes on his little girl. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you so much! I loved the song when I first heard it on the radio and thought of how it would make such a beautiful story, especially the way Arthur dotes on his little girl. ^_^
Lovely job! I don't know the song but it fits the scene perfectly. I love the point of view you chose to use. It made the piece more immediate and moving. ~Gina :)
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy my writings. ^_^MsTree
I'm so glad Southern's rec'd this, otherwise I might have missed it. This is such a lovely sentiment expressed by Arthur, and I can recall my own feelings when my daughter married. I got the same lump in my throat reading this as I did at her wedding.Thanks!Beth
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
As I told someone else: The greatest compliment I could receive as a writer is that they said I made them feel something. Thank you.MsTree
I know there is a tradition of 'Giving Away the Bride' by the father in christian weddings....but i think this fic is Universal in its appeal to all Father - Daughter relationships.... In Indian weddings, the father takes seven promises from the groom to ensure that the groom takes good care of his daughter.....i guess i now know the real meaning behind all of them...thank was lovely.....and heartfelt..... made me cry...sigh...but worth it.....
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
I think the finest compliment a writer can get is that he/she made the reader feel some kind of emotion. I am so glad that you like it.MsTree
Wow, very nice. I guess we get to decide who it is huh. :) Got to be Severus and Hermione's Daughter....
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Actually, it's Arthur at Ginny's wedding. Husband of your choice. That's why it's a WWW rather than a PUD. ^_^MsTree
It's very touching * wipe a tear*
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you.MsTree
Oooh... this story is full of proud-dad voice. Sweet but sad, and now I really miss my Dad. I'd rush off to call but it's 1AM in his time zone right now. So thanks, for pulling my heart strings into a lovely shape. -Liv
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
You're welcome. I miss my Dad, too. Probably why it felt so good to write this.MsTree
Oh - I was thinking of my little girl and how I would feel when someone would sweep her off her feet :-)Very touching. I had tears in my eyes - quite a feat to accomplish with so few words. Bravo!
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your words.MsTree
I think all parents fell this. This was wonderful.
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you. I appreciate the kudos.MsTree
Wiping tears from my eyes. I can see my husband and I some day like this when our baby girl grows up. I loved her first, too.
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you. I cried when I wrote it and I tear up everytime I reread it. ^_^MsTree
It's still very touching on a second read through. :)
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
I am so glad you enjoy this. Thank you for everything.MsTree
So heartfelt an beautiful. I can see Arthur in my head, looking at his little girl who isn't only his anymore.Gods, this reminds me of my dad on my own wedding. He looked fine then, but later grandma told me that he cried the night before and she hadn't seen him cry since grandpa died eighteen years ago. Now I'm going to call him and tell him that I love him. :)
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you. I was trying to evoke the feeling my father told me about when my sister got married.MsTree
Are you speaking from experience? I dread when this day comes at my house. This is very sweet and I enjoyed it a lot. Arthur should get his own story more often :)
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Not mine, but my younger sister's wedding. MsTree
Aww. Such a sweet thoughts from a loving father to his daughter on her wedding. Truely lovely.
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
As I said, I am not worthy of your praise. But my plot bunnies enjoy the stroking. ^_^MsTree
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
Oh, sweetie, don't underestimate yourself. You did good! Very emotional, with a fatherly male voice... just like a dad. I look forward to your next one.
You are obviously a Brad Paisley fan, so am I. Loved reading it. I can just see Arthur looking at them on the dance floor. I love that song too. Great work.
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
So could I and I had to write it down as soon as I got home. <sigh> It's so hard to write when you're driving down the highway. ^_^MsTree
Response from mamabear52 (Reviewer)
LOL bad idea writing when driving. lolYou should try writing something regarding Tough Little Boys by Gary Allan. That is one tear jerker song too. Ever see the video ? Go check it out.
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thanks. I've got some ideas. Hmmm. ^_~MsTree
Response from mamabear52 (Reviewer)
Can't wait to see what you come up with. Let me know when you do and I will go right to the site. have a good one.
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Okay, sweetie. Check out "Tough Little Boy" and see if that's what you were thinking of. It's what I came up with after hearing the song. ^_~MsTree
So sweet.
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you. I really enjoyed writing this.MsTree
Response from MsTree (Author of I Loved You First)
Thank you. The story popped into my head while I was listening to the song by Heartland.MsTree