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Finding Magic
Stefdarlin14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
As Voldemort regains power, conspiracy and attacks cause havoc. But students cannot be made aware of every troubling event, especially when it involves a Hogwarts professor.
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About Stefdarlin
Member Since 2007 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 35 | 263 Reviews Written | 407 Review Responses
I am a 37 year old wife and mother and began reading fanfiction in the middle of last year. Soon it revived my desire to write, which had lain dormant for a number of years, and I couldn't be happier. I do hope you enjoy my stories as I empty my head of them.
Thanks to MMADfan I proudly ship AD/MM, and thanks to OSUSprinks I proudly ship FF/PS. I am also rather fond of SS/OC and am beginning to appreciate the SS/HG ship thanks to Subversa.
Happy Reading and writing!!
Reviews for Finding Magic
Poor Filius being woken at such an hour! That's just like being a parent! *le gasp*
And what an odd book ... or subject at any rate .. and what on earth does Minerva need Albus to absorb her magic for ... OOPS - sorry ... that was very assuming of me ... but what on earth is Minerva researching such things for???
So many questions! Me thinks I must follow this wee yarn ... yes ... find that ball somewhere ... what did those darn cats do with it ... oh for Heaven sake ... its all knotted here ... now I'm going to have to untangle it ... *groans* eventually I know, I will find the end of this string and, then I shall know ALLLL answers! HAHA!
I'm not sure if you were ever warned about me ... I am a bit off my nut.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
OH now come on, we all know Ravenclaws are a bunch of snobby, stuck up, ebil, meanie beanies and Filius is probably plotting his army of enferi to take over Hogwarts and begin to vie for absolute domination, usurping even DillyVoldy himself ... Ravenclaws are NOT to be trusted!
Nope ... you want trust, stick with Hufflepuffs and Gryffies ... *nods* Don't you be trusting them Claws! Too smart for their britches, they are ... thinkin they're all that!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
I happen to like Ravenclaws even if I am not one. Besides, I think Filius can be trusted... usually. But when you have been through a traumatic experience, you are not always thinking straight. Should I be warned about you? LOL. Thank you very much for your reviews. =o)
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Oh I'm teasing ... I tend to do that a a lot. I have a few Claw buddies via fanfiction that I like to give hell to, just because I can.
YES! *nods emphatically* you most assuredly should be warned about me ... I'm certifiable!
Holy Mackerel! Ouch! Time to ram Malfoy, Crab and Goyle's heads into some rotten swamp weed pot and drown them for their idiocy and plague on all of magic kind ... the gits ... *snorts*
NOT Pomona!
And then to take the Slytherin trio plague and
And then ... to use their compost to grow more And then ... well ... then I guess Pomona can start training up
to descend upon the houses of Malfoy, Crab and Goyle ... yeah ... oh that just makes me so ... so .... so ....
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
Oh, my! I had not banked on an angry mob. Yes, Pomona seems the least likely person to be on the receiving end of a conspiracy. But she is.
Poor Pomona, she has had a sleepless night, and when she goes to Filius' chambers, she sees a book of spells, one of which would allow a witches lover to take her magic for his own. She must feel completely alone now. Filius was her rock as well as her love, and now she doesn't know if he is what he seems or if he is her enemy.The plot thickens very nicely!Beth
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
Yes, we are stepping into Pomona's shoes here. Imagine if it were you. Wouldn't you start to take apart every little thing when it would normally not even occur to you to read anything into it? =o) Thank you.
An Interesting beginning. What has happened to Professor Sprout? The way Draco, Vincent, and Gregory were laughing in the background, I'm sure they know something about it.I'm looking forward to seeing where you take the story.Beth
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
I should have said Theodore instead of Vincent. My bad!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
You are fine. =o) I am glad you like the beginning. We will see what those Slytherins are up to soon. Thank you very much for reading and reviewing.
Shame. She is in such a vulnerable situation at the moment, she is likely to jump to all sorts of conclusions. I just hope these ones are wrong.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
What you say is true. Anyone in her situation is likely to do that. But many things are going on, so, we shall see... Thank you for reviewing.
Oh, he's so sweet to her. Don't let him be a jerk and evil!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
Filius? Evil? I suppose even the best of us have a naughty streak.
Oh no. He's too nice to do that. Isn't he?
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
Is he? He does know how to use a wand, you know.
I do think I never read that pairing before. The interaction between them was so sweet!Up until you had to place doubt in Pomona's and my heart, of course.Well done, mystery author!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
I know. But what would go through your mind if this happened to you? Would you accept it as an accident, a simple, yet terrible, twist of fate?Thank you, apisa.
Interesting beginning. I wonder if Draco is just being his usual prattish self, or is he somehow involved? Poor Pomona. I can't wait to read more.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
We will see if Malfoy is involved in any way, but it might be a bit. I am very glad you enjoyed te beginning. Thank you.
Oh, poor Pomona! What a terrible thing to happen to a witch.Judging from their behaviour, I'm not entriely sure the young Slytherins have a clear conscience.Interesting start - I'm eager to read more.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
True, or Malfoy could be being his usual prat self. More is on the way, I swear.
Oh, that book puts a dark lighton the relationship!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
Yes, I know. Why on earth would Filius have it?
Oh no! That would be so terrible. I like that you chose Pomona for this. She's definitely underutilized.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
She is just one of a few characters I think is seriously underutilized. The possibilities are endless. Thanks.
Aww. I like Pomona stories. Thank you! :)
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
You are welcome? Ha, ha, I didn't know you liked Pomona stories, but I do hope you like this one.
Oh O_o what a beginning! I'm eager to find out what happened to her and why this happened. I have a sinking feeling that Goyle and Malfoy are to blame - but Nott isn't usually in Malfoy's circle in canon - seeing him with Malfoy is a twist.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Finding Magic)
I am glad you liked the beginning, there is more to come. Hmmm, we shall see, we shall see.