1. Part Un
Chapter 1 of 4
notsosaintlyAll that bickering had to lead somewhere.
ReviewedDisclaimer: I bow to JK Rowling who has the most brilliant imagination and the most excellent talent with which to express it. Thank you, Jo, for offering up such beautiful characters and not forbidding us to play with them a bit. I return them to you used and, I hope, in fairly good condition, considering all the (rather dirty) places they have been. I'll make them take a bath before they come home.
Part Un
"What on earth are you going on about, Ronald Weasley?" Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs.
The few stragglers in the common room that had not made it down to breakfast quickly vacated the area. Hermione was not one to be trifled with when she was in a snit. No one in his right mind wanted to be within shooting range.
Ron obviously was not in his right mind. He stood towering over Hermione's diminutive form, the redness in his face battling for dominance with the flame of his hair. He was a man at the end of his rope. All they had been doing on and off for the last year was argue, and the last few weeks had seen a steady escalation in the number of spats. Normally it wouldn't have bothered him, for Ron had always enjoyed the way Hermione became flushed during their arguments, but lately he couldn't stop fixating on how downright sexy she became with her indignant passion.
Harry, who had been coming down the stairs from the dormitories when the shouting began, mumbled something about eating while the getting was good and disappeared promptly through the portrait hole. He was not about to let them drag him into another one of their blasted arguments, especially before breakfast.
"What am I on about? What am I on about?" Ron bellowed. "Blimey, Hermione, do you really think that I'm a bleeding idiot? That Howler woke the whole dormitory!"
"Oh, give over, Ron! You deserved that Howler, and if I saved one of you lazy good-for-nothing prats from being late to first period...well ... then good!" Hermione sputtered, wagging an arrogant finger up in his face.
The heat of their argument seemed to ignite something in Ron's countenance that Hermione could not decipher. As he stooped lower so he could look her straight in the eyes, the pitch in his voice took a dangerous dive.
"Whether or not I give a detention to a bunch of second years for setting off Dungbombs in the boys' lavatory is none of your business, Hermione. They were just having a little fun. You do remember fun, don't you? We used to have a lot of it before you decided to act like my mother!" Ron's voice rose considerably, proving to Hermione that he did indeed have an advantage where volume was concerned.
Her eyes widened in momentary surprise at the upper hand he had gained, and then narrowed to dangerous slits as she battled for dominance. "Well, if you didn't act so bleeding juvenile all the time, maybe I wouldn't have to act like your mother!" Hermione shot back.
"Because I certainly do not need another mother," Ron growled, bringing the volume back down to a more tolerable level.
"And I certainly do not want to be your mother," Hermione hissed back.
Hermione's fists were balled up at her sides, and she looked for all the world like she was going to give Ron a good wallop on the nose. It happened to be quite within her reach at the moment. Luckily for Ron, he noticed the change in her stance and stepped back before she could put the quickly forming idea into action. Her body language was reminiscent of the time she had taken a swing at Malfoy a few years back. And that was absolutely the wrong memory to slip into his conscious mind at this point because she had been so positively sexy as she moved in on Malfoy to deliver that ego-bruising slap...so frightfully, stimulatingly ... desirable.
Ron groaned. His body was betraying him once again, muddling his common sense. He felt strange, as though all the oxygen were being sucked out of the room; it became difficult to breathe and everything focused onto one single point...Hermione. Suddenly, he knew he was about to do something extremely stupid, and it was more than likely going to change their relationship...for better or worse, it did not matter really at this point.
"Damn you, Hermione. What are you doing to me?"
"What the blazes are you talking about, Ron?" Hermione's ferocious tone transformed itself into her usual exasperation.
"Look at me, Hermione. Look at what you do to me."
Ron opened his robes to display his long, lank figure, clad in its usual rumpled uniform, tie crooked and loose, shirt half hanging out, and waited for Hermione to realize just exactly what he was talking about.
Hermione stood, arms akimbo, tapping a foot impatiently, and waited for this supposed revelation to hit her. What exactly am I doing to him? He has gone positively mental. There he goes again, expecting me to read his mind or...OH! Bloody hell! Hermione averted her eyes.
Looking a bit peeved that Hermione, in all her brilliance, had taken so long to notice the rather large bulge in his trousers, he closed his robes. Thankful that she seemed to be speechless for the first time in her life, he stalked out of the Gryffindor common room.
On the way out of the portrait hole, he called back, "I'm going to breakfast. You can join me if you can walk and gape at the same time."
Wordlessly, she stumbled after him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hermione trailed Ron into the Great Hall, completely abashed, and automatically took her regular seat between her two friends. She stared at her plate.
Harry watched as Ron filled Hermione's plate with eggs and toast. When she made no move to bring the food to her mouth, Ron scooped up some eggs with her fork and held it in front of her closed lips, waiting for her to open up.
"Miss Hermione Granger struck speechless. Never thought I'd see the day," Ron quipped dryly. In fact, if he had known this was all it took to silence Hermione, he would have tried something like this months ago. He certainly could have spared himself hours spent in agonizing arousal.
Hermione's head snapped in Ron's direction, finally noticing the forkful of eggs that he held in front of her. She blushed in embarrassment and opened her mouth quickly to accept the food, hoping to avert the stares of the few Gryffindors who had noticed Ron's strange behavior. Ron placed the fork in her hand and waited for her to continue before diving in himself. Harry gave Ron a questioning glance over Hermione's shoulder, but Ron only smirked in response and finished his breakfast.
The walk to History of Magic was awkward. Hermione silently followed the boys, looking a little shell-shocked. Harry kept glancing backward, obviously stymied by both of his friends' conduct and uncertain as to whether he should say anything. Ron still sported his self-satisfied smirk, which seemed to be the only thing holding Harry's questions at bay.
When they entered the classroom, Ron hung back to fall into step with Hermione. Silently, she let him guide her to a desk at the very back of the classroom. Harry just shrugged and went to sit with Neville. It wasn't the first time Ron and Hermione had fought, and Harry had learned it was best to give them space to work things out.
As Professor Binns began his usual monotonous lecture, Hermione's quill began scratching notes diligently, while Ron just sat back and stared at Hermione, knowing that she was doing her best not to look at him. Looking around, he made sure the rest of the class was preoccupied with their usual Binns lecture activities. Then he made a subtle show of getting comfortable.
Hermione pretended not to notice the rustle of movement to her right. When Ron finally settled down, she allowed herself to glance briefly in his direction. What she saw made her drop her quill.
Ron was half-reclined against the back wall, his robes open and hanging over the sides of the chair. The focus of her attention was in much the same state as it was earlier, and his right hand was slowly caressing the rather prominent bulge through his trousers. Her eyes flitted up to his face, and she was surprised to find his eyes boring holes into her own.
"Are you watching, Hermione?" Ron whispered, so as not to draw attention from anyone else.
Hermione did not answer, but simply nodded. Casually, Ron flipped open the top button of his trousers and then the next and the next, until they fell open to reveal a tented pair of burgundy Gryffindor boxers. He reached in to caress himself, making a perfect show of how much he enjoyed the sensation of the thin film of silk between his hand and his hard cock. The heel of his palm slid down his length, and he splayed his fingers around himself on the way up, slowly circling his thumb around the very tip.
Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Her face flushed as she watched him masturbate in front of her, in the middle of History of Magic. It was all just a little surreal. Just over an hour ago she had been blindingly angry with him, and now her feelings had taken a complete turn. She felt her stomach sink as the fabric over the head of his cock darkened and glistened with moistness. She wanted to lean over and replace Ron's hand with her own, but the fear of discovery coupled with the fact that she had never touched a man down there before was simply too great.
Hermione's unfocused gaze and flushed cheeks encouraged Ron. Sliding his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers, he slowly brought them down until his erection sprang free. His self-satisfied smirk returned as Hermione's eyes became wide as saucers at the sight of his rather impressive hard-on reaching proudly toward the vaulted ceiling.
Still nervous that Professor Binns would notice her attention was elsewhere, Hermione placed her head in her hands in a way that she could watch Ron while still looking as though she were paying attention. She just couldn't tear her eyes away. Her heart was pounding ferociously in her chest, and her breathing came in shallow gasps as she watched Ron grasp his cock at the base and slide his fist up toward the tip. His eyes never left Hermione's face as he slowly pumped his hand up and down.
"Do you like this, Hermione?" Ron whispered.
Her mouth opened as though she was about to respond, but no sound came out. She fought to keep her eyes from closing as Ron used his other hand to massage the pearl-drop of liquid over the head. Her lips parted and her tongue slid between just enough to wet her lips... just enough to make any boy want to lose control. She looked up in disbelief as Ron brought his damp finger up to his own lips. She inhaled sharply and stifled a whimper as the desire shot hot throughout her body.
"Do you like it?" he insisted.
Almost imperceptively, Hermione nodded.
"Do you know what I want to do to you?" Ron asked as he let his hand slide over cock a little faster.
His eyes directed her back to what his hands were doing. Transfixed, she watched his hands as his words accompanied the odd little lightning-bolt sensations she was now feeling. She could feel her nipples tightening and knew that they were probably quite noticeable through her white uniform blouse.
"I want to undress you slowly...."
Hermione squirmed in her seat, wanting more than anything to feel those wonderfully large, rough hands on her body, undressing her piece by agonizing piece until she stood naked in front of him.
"I want to see your beautiful, naked body...."
His other hand reached down into his shorts to caress his balls a little higher, lifting them upward. For the first time, his eyes left her as they rolled upwards, fluttering closed as he gave in to the pleasure he was giving himself.
"I want to taste every single place on your body," he whispered, barely audible as his hand pumped faster, sliding easily with practiced precision over his reddened flesh. "I want to be inside of you ... and fill you up again and again."
His voice faltered. His hand was now working at a furious pace, and he leaned forward in his seat, bringing himself into better view. Hermione stared, entranced by Ron's passion-filled declarations and his hand quickly bringing himself to completion. Her own fingers had worked their way beneath her skirt and had pushed aside her knickers, trying to satisfy the craving that had taken hold.
"And I want to make you come," Ron barely had a chance to say as his orgasm hit, his seed pulsing hotly over his hand and falling to the floor. Hermione held her breath as she watched him come, fingers working furiously to find her own relief.
Ron let his robes fall into place as he leaned closer to Hermione. He reached over to remove her hand from her robes. She almost cried at the nearly painful need that coursed throughout her veins.
His lips touching her ear, he let his breath speak softer than a whisper as his fingers replaced hers beneath the table, "...Please, Hermione, come for me."
His middle finger slipped easily in and out of her, and his thumb circled her swollen flesh. Quickly, she felt herself swirling higher and higher, closer to bliss, desperate to fulfill Ron's urging.
"I have wanted you for so long," Ron whispered into her ear as his right hand pumped discreetly in and out of her. "You make me so hard. Every time we have a row I have to satisfy myself and pretend like I am fucking you up against a wall somewhere."
Ron felt her muscles clench around his finger at the mention of fucking her up against a wall. He ground her clit harder, forcing his finger in a little faster, knowing she was close. His left arm wrapped around her body from behind and slid inside her robes, cradling and kneading one of her breasts, pulling not-too-gently on a nipple. With that one simple act, her pleasure broke against his hand.
"Oh, Ron," she forced her groan into a whisper as she came forcefully with Ron's finger still pumping into her. He pulled her back into his chest as they rode the waves together. In the background, Professor Binns' voice droned on, and the class dozed, oblivious to the fact that two of their number had discovered pleasure in each other.
Hermione twisted around and gazed into Ron's eyes.
"Oh, Ron," she whispered again, her voice full of a thousand little things she did not presently have the words for.
Silently, he pulled her towards him, and their lips met softly for the first time in a brief kiss. She fell back against his chest as he held onto her tightly, watching the hazy sunlight glitter through the classroom windows. The two newfound lovers were lost in each other's thoughts as the lecture rambled on and on.
No one had noticed their little exchange, which was entirely too bad as it had been infinitely more exciting than a lecture on Goblin wars, but no matter. The fire had been lit and both boy and girl had discovered the thrill of pleasuring each other where there was a danger of being caught, something that entirely appealed to their virginal natures and held the promise of bringing their passions to even greater heights.
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Latest 25 Reviews for And Temper Begets Pleasure
49 Reviews | 6.84/10 Average
Before I read this one, I had a very difficult time picturing Hermione with either one of the boys. When my daughter told me this one was here, I hesitated.
Now, I am very glad to have read this. You write some wonderful smut, dearie. Very hot.
Very HOT. Love it...thanks
I'm not normally into Harry, Ron and Hermione being together but i have to say that you tastefully pulled it off....It was steamy enough I had to take a shower afterwards.....Anyway very good story, Kudos to you
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Well, thank you! It is an odd sort of trio, if you think about it too deeply. I try not to. Think that is. *lol*
What a great ending! Very nice fic!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
I'm so happy you enjoyed it!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
I'm so happy you enjoyed it!
Completely wonderful! What an excellent chpater!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Hmm, yes, I'm rather partial to that chapter myself. ;) Thank you!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Hmm, yes, I'm rather partial to that chapter myself. ;) Thank you!
I adore the idea of illicit library liasons. :)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Yup. Me too!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Yup. Me too!
I almost expected them to go find her.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Almost ... but fantasy is good too.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Almost ... but fantasy is good too.
Very vibrantly written. I could picture it with complete clarity.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Wonderful! I'm glad I was able to do that.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Wonderful! I'm glad I was able to do that.
Well, it is a great thing to do before a nap! I was giggling insanely all through this.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Glad you enjoyed it!!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Glad you enjoyed it!!
finally a Ron I could sink my teeth into. The ones I have seen so far make you want to smack him and his mother. This Ron I wouldn't mind have Hermione, even Harry or better yet a threesome. HMMMM Ok now is shower time. Until next time. Well done as usual. Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Yeah, I don't like Ron and Hermione together the way I usually see them in fanfiction, not even the way JKR has written them. Basically Ron needs a backbone.
Oh, for a minute there, I thought you were going to put the boys together there. I would hate to be Ron in the morning, when he realizes that he should had cleaned up after himself. What I itchy mess. lol Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
That's the unfortunate part of being a boy, I guess. It's good to be a girl!
Damn I need to get better friends because I have never had any who would do that for me.It's funny she still is bossy even in sex. You would think she would want to be bossed for a change.Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
I have to admit, I don't (never had) friends like that either. Oh, well.
I knew better than to read this in the morning because my husband is at work and my son is home, no school today. Damn I guess it will be cold shower time for now. I think my husband may owe you a big thank you later tonight. lol Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Oh, yes, you've reached this story now. This was one giant session of fantasizing, let me tell you!
YUmmy, naughty Ronald Weasley. I agree with Hermione that a shy Ron is a boring Ron. A Ron that is more strong, dominance wise, is definitely sexy. I love the under the table action. *WEG* I love resourceful individuals. ;-D
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
Love all your reviews, and I am so glad you liked it. I had tons of fun writing this particular story.
*GROWLING/PURRING* Mmm, so that is how Ron, or Harry for that matter, would go about thinking about Hermione when pounding their pud. ;-D
*WEG* ::squirming excitedly:: Oh my, that was most definitely a turn-on...so completely sexy as hell. *PURR* YUMMY, God I wish that I were Hermione. Lucky girl have two studly best friend to take care of her needs.
Mmm, what more could a girl ask for? *SEXY SMIRK* ;-D
::breathing rapidly while fanning face:: Holy shite was that hot! Onward to the next chapter...I can't wait! ;-D
Hot! I love a good menage a trois. Wanton!Hermione is especially nice combined with Naughty!Ron and Naughty!Harry.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
I like it too... *snicker* (I wish I had a Wonton!Hermione icon.)
uhm, awesome is the word that properly conveys my thoughts :D
It is very well written but if someone really, truly loves you, will he be ready to share you, even with his best friend? Don't think so... Besides, MMF during your first time sounds like..Pfff! Not good! The first time between Ron and Hermione or Harry and Hermione (either way, I like both pairings) should be special, full of magic and passionate of course...but this is a little too much. Nice work though. It is just that I am hopelessly romantic ;-( and it just does not sound realistic to me, knowing all three characters both from the books and from the movies... Maybe I just still like to pretend that ideal love exists.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of And Temper Begets Pleasure)
You're right. This entire story is crazily unrealistic. I never meant it to be realistic, but sort of a headlong frantic dizzingly erotic series of encounters.
I think if I were to continue with this story (and I'm not saying that I will; I have too much on my plate as it is), I would continue with the HG/RW aspect of it because he has confessed his love.
I wish this was an ideal world, but *sigh* it's not. Where I've never experienced movie-romance, I know a couple or two who are heads-over-heels in love, and they're even married. So it is possible. Ideal love DOES exist. Somewhere. Just not everyone has it or gets to experience it.
Hmm... now, I think that Hermione, Harry and Ron could just love each other equally--not one more than the other--that a situation like this could actually present itself, if we strayed out of canon (because of course JKR would never ever write them all together or that her characters would even do more than having make-out sessions). It's not very romantic though. That is so true.
i love reading this over and over and over again. you should definitely write a sequel to this..
would be interesting if a.d. suspected something from his meeting with harry. harry's new attitude. oh i don't know.
but you need to write a sequel. i'll probably tell you that the next time i read this.
Oh my goodness. Well. I love Ron/Hermione in the canon but have rarely enjoyed them in the fandom.Am now rethinking Ron/Hr in fandom ... this, I like. Very realistic. Very hot. And how the hell would no one else notice?!
A very nice read and i am fast becoming a big of yours!!! Keep up the great stories...
Until this story, I have never enjoyed a trio pairing. Thank you for renewing my belief in them. Your articulations were deliriously fantastic. (AKA. Hot)