New Chapter for A Lesson Learned
A Lesson Learned
GeminiScorp11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Eavesdropping only leads to trouble.
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About GeminiScorp
Member Since 2006 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 29 | 115 Reviews Written | 172 Review Responses
My favorite ship is HG/SS. I don't really like Snape with anyone but Hermione but I'll read (and most likely write) her with just about anyone else. I also like a good HP/DM every now and again. (Thanks Drac!) Please review with constuctive criticism (and praise if you wish! ) I would love for my writing to develop and any advice would be appreciated!
Reviews for A Lesson Learned
That's two lessons learned, hmm? Very cute story, and a great way to answer the prompt! :D
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of A Lesson Learned)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Absolutely priceless. Never, ever eavesdrope on a friend, especially a talented witch. *wink*
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of A Lesson Learned)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
Gemini! I totally loved it! Oh my gosh the behind the door dialogue was brilliant! and Harry's reaction
s - oh my gods! Thank you for picking this up - with a cute tale liek this one - I'm so glad that you did!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of A Lesson Learned)
ohhh! Look at all the squeeing! I'm so gld you liked it! It was fun to write. =D
LMAO! It certainly wasn't what it seemed, that's for sure.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of A Lesson Learned)
=D Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
*snerk* Nice. One almost wonders if Oliver mightn't have been intentionally making it sound naughty.
You've got brackets around a semicolon near the end there that you might want to remove.
Author's Response: Thanks for the heads up on the brackets, I'll take care of that now.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked it
Heh, heh. That will teach Harry to jump to conclusions.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of A Lesson Learned)
LOL ~ In my mind Harry does that alot.Thanks for the review!
LOL. Someone has a dirty mind! :)
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of A Lesson Learned)
Yep! lol Thanks for the review!
Oh, that is *funny*! Very clever of you to mask the innuendoes with something as innocent as a flying lesson!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of A Lesson Learned)
Thank you!!
LOL. I'd have been right in line with Harry's thinking if I hadn't already known what the prompt was. Clever idea!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of A Lesson Learned)
=D Thanks! I'm glad it wasn't too obvious right away.