New Chapter for Gone From the World
Gone From the World
Veronica L6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
The wizarding world wants Harry Potter to defeat He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Harry Potter just wants to curl up and die. He's been having dreams about people dying lately and the bad thing is that they're all coming true. This is bad timing since the world is going to end in three days.
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About Veronica L
Veronica L
Member Since 2005 | 1 Story | Favorited by 0 | 0 Reviews Written | 2 Review Responses
Reviews for Gone From the World
gah! omg! it just stopped there!!!! Continue I beg of you!
Ah, poor little liam. I'm glad Colin got his. Maybe Harry should join forces with Voldie, eh? lol Nah, he needs to be Minister again and Obliviate all those interfering Muggles.
Dang! Poor Harry. Hope he doesn't get framed. Seems like he and Draco have a little spark between them. Is this going to have them pairing up?
Response from Veronica L (Author of Gone From the World)
Just have to wait and see, I guess :) Clue: D/H is my all-time favourite pairing.
southern_witch_69's response: Big Grin! muahahahaVery sad to read that Harry has just about given up on everything and everyone. I'd like to see where this is going. I wish that things could have been different for Ginny, and I'm anxiou to see where others are. Hermione: dead or just elsewhere?
Response from Veronica L (Author of Gone From the World)
Haha, yes ... Harry must suffer! Suffering is how I show my affection to my fav characters (almost makes you pity them :) ). Hermione shall make an appearance in chapter three, and she'll become a bit of an annoying permanent later on. southern_witch_69's response: uh oh... annoying eh? lol
Ron sounded so grown in his letter. Oh my all those death. And Ginny, I always thought she was stronger. How sad.