The Sweetest Revenge
Chapter 1 of 1
pokeystarShe. Could. Not. Take. It. Any. More.
ReviewedShe. Could. Not. Take. It. Any. More.
If another of her meticulously complied reports returned to her inbox with so much as a smear of red ink… If he told another inappropriate joke involving a wizard, a penguin and the Sorting Hat at the Friday department meetings… If he changed the colors on the coded filing system again, and really, were polka-dots a color? If he ran his fingernails lightly down the inside of her forearm while passing her a signed document, causing her to shiver with d... isgust… If he stared at her backside as she left his office with a smirk on his face… And she positively knew he was smirking… If he called her “Pet,” in that sexy drawl, just one more time…
“Pet, could you get me some coffee?”
She would kill him. Or jump his bones. She was appalled to realize the second option was slightly more appealing.
“Isn’t that Colin’s job?” she asked as calmly as possible. Which meant that her fists were clenched and her voice was tight. And she was three seconds from pouncing strangling him.
“Colin?” He appeared to recognize the name of his assistant. “Ah, yes. Colin is busy retrieving my dress robes for a function tonight.”
“A work function?” she enquired pointedly.
“No. Coffee, Pet? Don’t forget the Skinny’n’Sweet,” he returned smoothly and oozed back into his office.
She grumbled to herself all the way to the break room. Stupid prat. She was not attracted to him. At all. He was pure evil. Well. Perhaps only partly evil. The smirk was definitely full-strength evil. And that drawl. She entered the break room and made herself a cup of tea. The partly evil prat could wait until doomsday for his coffee.
She hoped he got a caffeine-withdrawal headache.
Twenty minutes later, she was still morosely blowing on her lukewarm tea when Colin breezed in.
"What’s up, buttercup?” he asked cheerfully.
“The demon seed requested coffee,” she muttered, getting up, only to sit down again as Colin waved her off. She eyed him speculatively. “How do you do it, Colin? You are in direct contact with that… entitled, depraved ponce for hours everyday. He’s drained the will to live from others. Macmillan is still on medical leave. How come you’re still so cheerful?”
Creevey poured his boss some coffee and said, “Most days, I remember I’m glad to be alive, glad to smell the flowers, glad to have a job, glad not to be fighting true evil anymore. Working for Malfoy isn’t nearly as bad.” He paused at the break room door and looked Hermione in the eye. “’Course, it helps that I don’t want to jump his bones.”
Her mouth fell open in shock.
“And every once in a while, I flavor his coffee with a little U NO POO. Tastes just like Skinny’n’Sweet.”
A/N: Skinny'n'Sweet courtesy of the movie Nine to Five
Originally posted at the Live Journal dramione_ldws community.
Round 1, Challenge #6: Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes (must include a WWW product, canon or made up).
New challenge responses are posted every Thursday. Everyone is invited to read and vote!!!
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Latest 25 Reviews for The Sweetest Revenge
15 Reviews | 5.27/10 Average
*grinning evily* That's probably better than to spit in said coffee...
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
It's a lot better than some of things I've heard...*grins evily back*
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
It's a lot better than some of things I've heard...*grins evily back*
Lol. Funny fic.
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Thank you!
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Thank you!
Author's Response: You

Most excellent nickname for Mr. Malfoy The demon seed
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Isn't it just?(Actually, it's my nickname for Mom's yorkie, Sugar)
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Isn't it just?(Actually, it's my nickname for Mom's yorkie, Sugar)
“And every once in a while, I flavor his coffee with a little U NO POO. Tastes just like Skinny’n’Sweet.”Bwahahahahahaha! Suddenly I absolutely adore Colin! I would never have thought he had it in him. Gryffindor bravery at its finest!
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Cult of Colin! Membership: Two.
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Cult of Colin! Membership: Two.
I was wondering if they were going to use rat poison.
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
OK, that cracked me right up.Have you ever read Mistful's "Draco Malfoy, The Amazing Bouncing...Rat?"Lavender (get it?!): "It looks just like Skinny'n'Sweet, except for the little skull and crossbones on the label!"
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
OK, that cracked me right up.Have you ever read Mistful's "Draco Malfoy, The Amazing Bouncing...Rat?"Lavender (get it?!): "It looks just like Skinny'n'Sweet, except for the little skull and crossbones on the label!"
This is a HOOT!!! *big smile*
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Thank you!*huge grin*
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Thank you!*huge grin*
U NO POO! Priceless
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Umm... I think George has it marked at a fiver a vial?Thanks!
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Umm... I think George has it marked at a fiver a vial?Thanks!
Too Fab! The shout out to Nine to Five AND having U NO POO??? Just too funny.
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Too funny is good!Glad you liked it.
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Too funny is good!Glad you liked it.
U NO POO, That's evil, that is!
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
U NO POO is indeed, evil from concept to execution
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
U NO POO is indeed, evil from concept to execution
I like it. especially the zinger at the end :)
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Yum! You love zingers too?
Response from mock_turtle (Reviewer)
I've never tried the edible ones! But fizzy surprises at the end of stories are wonderful.
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
Yum! You love zingers too?
Response from mock_turtle (Reviewer)
I've never tried the edible ones! But fizzy surprises at the end of stories are wonderful.
OMG as SOOn as I saw skinnyNsweet, I nearly died! hahahah... Very cute! And its so obvious that she wants him--even Colin can tell! heheheheh
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
I figured as a photographer, Colin would be pretty observant.Thank you!
Response from pokeystar (Author of The Sweetest Revenge)
I figured as a photographer, Colin would be pretty observant.Thank you!