Bane (Centaur)
2 Stories
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Harry Potter and the Heirs of Slytherin
by Fawkes_07
6.44/10 (277 Ratings, 0 Likes, 52 Favorites )This is a full-length Book Seven fic. Cliffhangers and unexpected twists abound, but don't look for beloved characters to die tragically before your very eyes--Fawkes_07 is all about redemption. Written for young readers but hopefully fun for all.
I'm printing out a version for my kids in book format--I even found all the right fonts and everything. Hence the "artwork" in the chapter headings. What can I say, I'm more of a ceramics person than a drawing person.
Can I note with pride that "Heirs of Slytherin" was just chosen as a Featured Story on MNFF? *glows*
336,179 Words, Started 04/01/2007, Completed 05/19/2008
The Potion Master's Assistant
by ClayPotter
4.56/10 (100 Ratings, 0 Likes, 105 Favorites )Snape can't decide if his new assistant will drive him crazy, or if he can't live without her. See how he uncovers the many secrets of this mysterious loner.
163,413 Words, Started 05/02/2008, Completed 03/17/2009